Making Kid's Gift Baskets for Neighbors

Making Kid’s Gift Baskets for Neighbors

Making kid’s gift baskets for neighbors is a wonderful way to keep your child both engaged and learning. Gift baskets are especially welcome any time of the year, as they spread joy and demonstrate caring for others.

This activity, suitable for children up to the age of 8 years, will also encourage the development of their sensory capacity and empathy, both of which are essential to becoming a well-rounded adult.  A few simple items go into creating these baskets, which kiddos can complete in less than 30 minutes.

What You Will Need To Make Gift Baskets

The components you’ll need to gather for your children to create these gift baskets for neighbors are quite simple.

They include:

  • Seasonal flowers or small plants from your garden or from the store
  • A stapler
  • 8.5×11-inch sheets of construction paper for the basket
  • Crayons, paint or markers to decorate the paper 
  • Cotton wool
  • Water

Constructing the Baskets

Get the decorating items ready. Your kids can use crayons or paint to exercise their creative instincts. If you do not have either of these items, they can use markers to draw pictures on the paper. The more colorful they make the design the more cheerful it will look when they place the flowers in their basket.

  1. Prepare your 8.5 x 11-inch paper by cutting an inch off the width. You will then have a piece of paper that measures 7.5 x 11 inches.
  2. Draw a cone shape on the paper by drawing two lines from the bottom center to each of the top outer corners.
  3. Encourage your children to use their imaginations to envision as many different colors and shapes as they can come up with to decorate the paper within the lines.
  4. Cut along the lines once the drawing activity has been completed.
  5. Wrap the paper into a cone shape and staple it along the sides.
  6. Level the top edge of the cone by cutting it into an even shape.

An alternative to gift baskets for a neighbor is decorating paper and cut it to wrap around glass or plastic bottles. Use glue or tape to secure the decorative paper.

Fill the container with the flowers and/or plants and wrap their stems in cotton wool that has been dipped in water. Remember to wrap tin foil around the moistened cotton wool to prevent the paper cone from disintegrating. Keep the flower stems wet whether you use the paper cone or a jar.

Complete The Task

Help your child identify neighbors who will appreciate their gift baskets. In addition to neighbors, recipients can be a teacher, a family member, your postal carrier or anyone else your child sees on a regular basis. Perhaps they can be used to brighten up the life of an elderly person in a retirement village or a child in the hospital.

Child Development Benefits

Delivering these gifts can be planned or a surprise. The best part about giving is the appreciation and joy that is part of receiving the gift. Your child will learn the value of empathy by completing this activity. Their sensory capacities will grow, and they will appreciate the act of kindness involved in creating gift baskets for neighbors.

Engage your child in the delightful activity of making gift baskets for neighbors and show them how giving is also a joyful experience. Your support will boost your child’s development, enhancing their growth and emotional strength.

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