Sunday , 16 February 2025


Father‘s Day is a great occasion to tell your father how much he deserves to be appreciated and applauded for being the most wonderful person in your life. Express gratitude to your father for everything that he gives to you. On this page you will find a nice collection of Father‘s Day wishes and messages with images, that will make your dad feel special.


The feeling of protection you give me is the most precious thing in the world for me. I love and appreciate you, dad, and today is a good day to remind you of it. Happy Father’s Day. You are the best. 


I can’t imagine having another dad. You are the best father in the whole world, and I hope that someday I will be as kind and understanding as you are. Don’t you ever forget that I love you beyond words. 


Having a good father figure in life is so very important. I feel blessed to have you in my life, dad. You showed me what true love is, and I will be forever grateful for that. Enjoy your day. I love you. 


I dedicate this day to you, dad! I can’t believe I was lucky enough to be born into a family that made my life so beautiful and carefree. If you need another pair of cargo shorts, I got you. Just hit me up. 


I’m so grateful to you for not ruining my mental health like most fathers do. I will never be able to find the words to express my gratitude. Just know that I love you more than words can say. Happy Father’s Day!


I wish I could be there to enjoy this wonderful Father’s Day with you! It’s okay, we’ll have lots of those. I love you endlessly, and I’m beyond grateful for everything that you do for me, dad. Happy Father’s Day. 


Happy Father’s Day to the most amazing dad, extraordinary husband and my best friend! Thank you for showing us that we are loved and protected every single day. We will do the same for you. 


Every girl on the planet wants to be a princess. But not everyone has an opportunity to actually become one. You made me feel like I am the most important girl in the world. Instead of making me a princess, you made me a queen. Thank you, dad. 


I know that raising a boy like me is hard. Sometimes I have too much energy for you. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me, and I see how hard you try. Happy Father’s Day. 


You have always been my biggest support. I have no idea where would I be without your encouragement and overwhelming love. Thank you for being the best dad ever. Happy Father’s Day! 


A good father is a rarity these days. I was blessed with the most caring, loving and supportive father in the universe. There’s nothing I can’t do to make you happy, dad. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy Father’s Day.


Happy Father’s Day to my favourite human being! You are the ultimate role model for every man in this world, and I’m beyond proud of everything you are. Thank you for the love.


You gave me so much. Every part of me contains a part of you, and I’m beyond proud to be someone who is learning from you. I know that sometimes it’s hard to be my father. But you are doing amazing. Happy Father’s Day. 


You were definitely born to be a dad. Your wisdom, intelligence and kindness are making me feel so safe for some reason. Thank you for everything that you gave me and everything that you keep giving me each and every day. Happy Father’s Day. 


Sending a lot of love to the best dad in the world (officially!). Believe it or not, I love you more than words can say. I couldn’t do a thing without you. Thank you for always having my back. Happy Father’s Day!



You have always been my personal superhero. You saved me from sadness, kept me safe and always knew when I needed you most. I can’t be more grateful for having you as my dad. Happy Father’s Day, I love you endlessly. 


Sometimes we don’t understand each other. We both don’t know how to compromise and we both are stubborn. But that’s because you’ve made me strong and ambitious, and I love you for that. Happy Father’s Day, dad. 


You are the most important human being in my life. You’ve tried so hard to make my life easy and exciting, and I can’t even imagine how I can pay you back. I know you don’t want anything because everything you do, you do it just because you have the kindest heart. Happy Father’s Day, dad.


Dad. It’s so hard for me to be sincere and affectionate, you know that, because we’re the same. But I love you endlessly, and I remember and appreciate every little thing that you’ve ever done for me. Happy Father’s Day.


Happy Father’s Day to the most loving, kind and protective dad in the whole world! I love you to the moon and back and even more. Having you as my father has made me a better person for sure. Thank you for everything. 


Dad, you are the example of a man I want to see by my side. Your love for me and mom fills my heart with joy each and every day, and I couldn’t dream of a better father. Thank you for everything you do. Happy Father’s Day. 


Being your child is the biggest blessing I could ever receive. You are my greatest protector and biggest inspiration. I have so much love for you, it’s even hard to find words to describe it. Love you, happy Father’s Day!


So happy to have the occasion to tell you how much I love and appreciate you, dad! You’ve been with me when I was down, when I was happy, when I cried after my heart got broken for the first time. You are the best father in the world. Love you. 


I know I don’t tell you that often enough, but you are the best man I know, my true inspiration and example of a man I want to become. I appreciate our special connection very much and love you endlessly. 


Happy Father’s Day! So grateful for the opportunity to tell you how much I love you. Thanks to you I am who I am, and I think I am pretty awesome. Thank you for always being with me, dad. I love you very much.


A real father is not the one who participates in childbearing, but the one who takes part in upbringing of children. Thank you, dear father, for being a real man who is not afraid to take responsibility for the nearest and dearest.


Thank you for giving me a happy childhood. I remember all the toys you ever bought. I remember every game you came up with. I remember every single fairytale that you made up especially for me. I love you unreservedly. We all do.


I always felt like a little princess next to you. You were always so strong and knew how to get out of any situation. You always protected me. You loved with all your heart. There are no even words that can express my gratitude and love for you. Happy Father’s day!


Celebrating Father’s day in summer is not a coincidence. You and summer have many things in common. You’re warm, sunny, bright and it what makes me love you so hard! Happy Father’s day!


Dear daddy, I’m so proud of you. There are many things I want to wish you this day, but the most important is that I want you to be proud of me also. And I will try my best to meet your expectations. Happy Father’s day!


For me, you always were an indisputable authority. I obeyed you, because I knew you wanted a better life for me. And owing to you, all our common dreams and hopes came true. Happy Father’s day!


You were with me throughout my life. You were with me when I took my first step and when I fell for the first time. You were with me when I got my first excellent grade and when I failed my exam for the first time. In other words, you always understood and supported me no matter what. Thank you for it.


Being a dad is a great happiness, but it is a hard work also. Because dad is a guard who keeps the family safe and warm. Dad is a noble knight who would die for his kids. And for me dad is the best friend, who knows everything about me and accepts me just the way I am. Happy Father’s day!


When I met you for the first time I immediately realized that you would be a great father. I’m so happy you’re the father of our kids. There are moments when I’m about to give up, but you always know how to act. We all love and appreciate you. Happy Father’s day, my beloved husband!


Dad, you are like a shelter from storms of life,
You always knew how to keep us safe and calm,
Your strong hands wiped child’s tears,
We have grown up a long time ago,
But we always hurry up home to share our troubles and achievements,
You teach us real-life wisdom, dignity and kindness.
Be healthy and strong as always,
Forget all your worries for today,
Have a joyful Father’s Day!

Every year I become surer that you’re the mascot of our family. There’s no other explanation that could describe the reason of our happiness for so many years. Thank you, dear dad!


Dear father, I’m sure you’ll never grow old. Due to your love of life, energy and an incredible sense of humour, you’ll be young and resilient forever. Your young soul and our endless love for you will never change. Happy Father’s day!


Dear dad, you’re the person I admired all my life! I’m really grateful to you for being so strong and understanding. Every time I faced challenges on my way you were the one who supported and cheered me up. Thank you and a happy holiday!


You’re not only a real father. For me, you’re also a real friend, who knows and keeps all my secrets. You’re a real teacher, who shows me what’s right and what’s wrong. You’re a real man who stays faithful to own principles. Thank you for being a role model for me.


There’s one thing I’m strongly convinced: Father’s day was established in your honour, dear dad! You are the greatest dad ever and I’m really proud to be your son/daughter. Congratulations on the holiday!

Sometimes we can’t find the right words to express our feelings. Sometimes we can’t express our love even through actions. Dear dad, this is one of those times, because our love for you is so huge that we can’t put in into anything. Happy Father’s day!


My dear father! You contributed a lot to my development as a person. Only due to you, I’ve learnt to be a real man, to respect moral values and dignity. I’m really grateful to you for everything. Congratulations on Father’s day!


There are so many things I want to thank you for. Thank you for an incredible atmosphere of love and care that you gave me all my life. Thank you for being so patient, though I know I made you worried for many times. Thank you indeed, dear dad. I love you.


Everyone needs a father. A small baby needs strong father’s arms to hold it tight. A girl needs a father to feel like a beautiful princess. A boy needs a father to learn how to be a real knight. A mother needs a father to raise their kids in happiness and harmony. Happy Father’s day!


Dear dad, you’re the head of the family, beloved husband of our mum and a granddad for our children. How do you manage to play so many roles excellently? We won’t stop admiring you ever. Happy father’s day!

A real man can be whatever he wants: he can be a pilot, an engineer, a programmer and so on. But the best thing a man can be is a great father. And I’m really happy to have the best father in the world!


Father is not just a man. Frankly speaking, my father is not a man at all – he is a real superhero! There’s no other way I can explain his wonderful abilities to make me laugh when I’m sad, to interpret the most complicated things in simple terms and to love me like nobody can. Happy Father’s day!


My beloved husband, let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! I believe that there’s no other man on the Earth who could be such an amazing father for our kids. I’m really happy they took so many great features after you. Happy Father’s day!


I believe that being a good dad is the greatest achievement in every man’s life. There’s no other more honourable thing than raising kids giving them all love, care and attention that you have. Dear father, you always were and forever will be a perfect father for me. Congratulations!


Father is a half of a family. He plays a very important role in every person’s life – no matter whether it’s a boy or girl, no matter whether it’s a child or an adult. Father is a support and a real friend who will always understand you without a word.

Our children are grown up already, but I can still see how much they need you. And I suppose it’s because you’re the only man on the planet who is able to get them back to their childhood for a moment. We all love you madly. Happy Father’s day!


You always were a role model for me. You taught me how to be honest and reliable friend, how to respect people and, what is more important, you showed me what happy family life is. Thank you!


Maybe men are not as emotional as women, but it does not mean they can’t love like women do. And I know that you love me with all your heart. I love you too, dad. Wish you a happy holiday!


I don’t need any reason to tell you how important you are for me, but this holiday gives me one more great opportunity to say that I appreciate everything you do for our family. I promise I will never disappoint you. Happy Father’s day!


The years roll on, but you don’t change at all. I remember you in my childhood: you were always so funny and cheerful, everyone just adored you. I told everyone that you were my daddy with a huge pride. And I’m still happy to call you my daddy. Happy holiday!

Thank you for your love and care, for happy childhood days, celebrations and unforgettable moments!
Dear Dad, I wish you long days, filled with joy and happiness!


Daddy, I am very proud of you, for every little thing you have done, you were, are and always will be my hero! I will always look up to you, because you are the best!


The word “dad” holds so many warm and pleasant memories within it. Saying to you this word everyday brings me so much pleasure and makes me really happy. I congratulate you on the holiday!


Dear dad, thank you for all your help, support, for being there when I was down! I love you so much, happy Father’s Day!


Today is a great holiday – Father’s day. I wish you never get disappointed in your kid. And I promise that this wish will come true, because I’ll do everything that is possible to make you happy and proud of me. Happy holiday!

I believe that good father is equally important for both girls and boys. Because only father is able to show a boy what it means to be a real man and show the girl how it feels to feel herself a real woman next to him.


Dad, thank you for teaching me how to be strong, to never stop believing in my dreams, for all the trust, for helping me achieve my goals! I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support! Happy father’s day!


Dad, if I could, I would stop time, just to be by your side forever,
You always say: ”you grew up really fast, it’s almost like you are not my little princess anymore”
But remember this – I will always be your little princess.
Happy father’s day, love you!


Daddy, you are the sunshine to my dark days,
My inspirer, my first hero,
When I see you, I always want to smile
Because you’re the only one
Who truly makes me happy!
Love you very much!


Dear dad, I always admired your ability to be strong and tender simultaneously, to be strict sometimes and incredibly funny sometimes. It’s amazing how you can be so different but still so close and dear to my heart. Happy Father’s day!

Father, thank you for teaching me to be myself, for never letting me down, for always being next to me, for always making me lough, even when I never wanted to smile. Thank you for being by my side, I love you!


You were always there, when I needed you
You never left my side, even when I was yelling
You were always next to me, encouraging me,
Listening to my crying and wiping my tears,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and happy Father’s day!


Dad, I will always be there, when you need me,
I will always be your little princess,
And as they say: someday I may find a prince,
But you will always be my king!
Love you, daddy!


Dear dad, thank you for not leaving me, when I was sad,
For never letting me down, when I needed you.
I am forever grateful to you
And I will love you until the day I die!


Father, you are my hero, my role model, when I was just a little boy, you taught me to never give up, to chase my dreams, and I am very thankful for that, because without your support, I would be where I am today!

Thank you, daddy, for our happy childhood,
For inspiration, for joyful days,
For love, that we received from you,
We thank for everything from the bottom of the heart!
Happy Father’s Day!


When I was small, you played with me,
When I grew up, you gave me advices,
I can always lean on your shoulder, strong like a wall.
I am so happy when we spend time together.
Happy Father’s Day!


Dear Dad, I am thankful for the love you gave,
You taught me how to smile
And you held me, when I slipped on my way.
You believed me, when nobody did,
Every day you give me strength to live!


Thank you for teaching me to learn from my mistakes,
For teaching to enjoy life and reach for dreams,
You are a wonderful father, always caring and loving,
Your inner strength raise me up, when I fall.
Happy Father’s Day, I love you!


When it is difficult, I remember childhood,
I close my eyes and I see our family house,
I remember how you carried me over the meadow,
And taught to enjoy a bird’s flight,
To appreciate what I already have, to listen to my heart,
Do you remember how we created plans for the future?
You taught me never give up,
To learn from mistakes, to fall and raise up again.
I love you! Happy Father’s Day!

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