Thursday , 13 February 2025


Sometimes we can’t find the right words to express our feelings, especially when these feelings are so complicated… Saying sorry is not easy – it takes guts and dignity. But the best way to save warm and trusting relations between you and your honey is to simply say you’re sorry. On this page we present you lots of I am sorry messages for her – girlfriend or wife.    


You know that I’m not the smartest guy on Earth, especially when it comes to understanding someone’s feelings. I just realized that what I did was stupid and not okay. I’m so sorry, babe. 


You’ve given me so many second chances, it’s embarrassing to admit. I’m trying to be more empathetic and I’m getting better at it, but I need some time to get to your level. All I can do is hope that you will understand and forgive me. 


How could I be so foolish and insensitive? The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but this stupid inability to control my anger messes with my head every single time. I’m trying my best, I promise. Forgive me.


People don’t appreciate what they have until they’ve lost it. I can relate to that. I can’t stop thinking about how foolish I was, and I can’t believe that my childishness resulted in losing the best thing I’ve ever had. I’m so sorry. Please come back. 


You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. Your ability to set boundaries and stand up for yourself helped me to realise that I was wrong. I took a moment to reflect on myself, and I fully admit that what I did was not okay. I hope you can forgive me. 


I have never thought that I’m capable of such a thing. It hurts me to know that I made you feel bad. You deserve so much better than this. I’ll do anything to be a better person for you. Forgive me. 


We both know that I have a temper. I’m not trying to justify myself, sometimes I just cannot control what I say. I promise that I will work on that, and I promise to never go back on that promise. I’m really sorry. 


My most important goal in life is to make you happy. All I want is to make you feel safe and loved. Sometimes my stupid mistakes prevent me from doing that, but I’m trying really hard for you, baby. I’m so sorry. 


Fights are important. We’re learning to compromise, overcoming difficulties and growing together spiritually. But it doesn’t mean that it’s okay to hurt each other. I’m really sorry for my behaviour, baby. 


Just the thought of hurting you makes me feel sick. I can’t believe I made you feel this way. I’m incredibly sorry for this, and I will do anything to fix things. I love you more than the life itself. 


I don’t think that I deserve your forgiveness, but I will hate myself if don’t try at least. I know I messed up big time, but I love you more than anything in the world and I can’t imagine my life without you. I promise to make it up to you. 


When I’m with you, I’m trying so hard not to screw things up. Apparently, sometime I think too much and it makes everything worse. You are perfect. I just want to be the best version of myself for you. I’m so sorry, baby. 


I love you like crazy. Sometimes I get really jealous, and I understand that it’s not your problem. It’s about me, and I need to fix myself before I ruin this relationship. I’m trying, I love you, and I’m sorry. 


I know not what I do. The anger just blinds me, and I lose control. I’m not making excuses, but I want you to understand that I never mean to hurt you, and it’s all my fault. Please forgive me. 


You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so afraid of losing you. This fear is making me act crazy from time to time, but I’m working on myself. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, love. 

We all make mistakes. Some of them are bigger than others, but it doesn’t matter, because they all hurt. I understand that saying sorry will not change anything. But I promise that I will. I will change, because I want to be a better person for you. 


I know that it may not seem so, but I never meant to hurt you. You mean so much to me, and I feel like my life would be nothing without you. I’m sorry for making you feel the opposite. I love you.


It’s so hard to say I’m sorry, because I understand that it won’t change anything. All I can do is change the way I treat you. I promise I’m trying harder than ever. For you, I will do everything I can. 


Somehow, I always mess things up. I know it’s not your fault, and I’m so sorry for making you feel like it is. You are the only hope for me, and I can’t believe I hurt you. Please forgive me. I will do my best to become a better version of myself for you. 


Loving you is the most important thing I do, and sometimes I get overwhelmed with the responsibility. I mess up. But I still love you unconditionally, eternally, beautifully. I am really sorry. I learned my lesson.


You know I’ve got that crazy temper. I still can’t believe you’ve chosen me to be your man. But I always feel sorry for making you sad or hurting your feelings, and I’m working on making myself a better person for you. I’m sorry, baby.


You are the one who pushes me toward being a better version of myself. I love you, and I am honestly trying to be better. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, baby. Please forgive me. 


I hate to see you cry. I know that you are mad at me and cannot believe what I say, but I love you and hate myself for hurting you. Let’s fix this together. I promise to listen and be more understanding.


When people are in love, they fight, because they care about their significant other. And I care about you the most. I’m sorry for being rude and hurting your feelings, love. I have never meant to hurt you. 


I’ve promised to be better before. And I will probably do it again. But I love you so much that sometimes I just can’t handle it. Please forgive me for what I did. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to.


I die every time I see you cry. The fact that I am the reason of these tears breaks my heart in two. I’m so sorry that I hurt you, baby. I promise, I’ll do anything to make you feel better and never make you cry again.


I know I’ve messed up. I’ve never been perfect, I’m just a human, baby. But the difference between me and others is that I’m ready to change and be a better version of myself for you. I’m sorry for what I did to you. 


Sometimes I hurt you not even knowing how my words and actions can affect you. I understand that. But I want you to know that whatever I say or do, I never meant to hurt you on purpose. I love you, and I am really sorry. 


It is hard for me to hold my anger and be calm when you do something that makes me unhappy. But it’s even harder to see you being so upset about what I say or do. I promise to do my best to never make you feel that way. I’m sorry.


I feel like it’s almost impossible for me to say that I’m sorry. But I want our relationship to get stronger with every fight, not to fall apart after a minor problem. I didn’t mean to hurt you, let’s talk about that. I’m really sorry. 


Please, give me second chance, my dear. I want to prove you how much I love you. I was a fool, but I promise that it will never happen again. I can’t live without you.


I’m very sorry, honey. I miss you so much. Please, forgive me. I will wait for your call. I need to hear your voice.


I agree with you that I was wrong. Just please, be with me, my love. I’m really sorry.


I’m sorry, my darling. These days without you are the worst in my life. I want to have you again. Love you!


I can’t imagine my life without you, my lovely girl. I need you and I love you. I will wait for your forgiveness.

Hi, my love. I want to say sorry for my stupidity. Don’t be angry and please forgive me. I want to see you as soon as possible.


Dear, I want to apologize you for my stupid words. I didn’t want to hurt you because I love you so much. I really hope that you will understand me.


Please, give me one more chance, my dear. You are the best thing in my life. You are my sunshine. Forgive me!


Babe, I was wrong and was acting like an idiot but I know that you love me. I’m very sorry for that. I want to see you, my love.


I’m very unhappy without you, my dear. I want to hug and kiss you. I hope that you will forgive me. Love you!

Do you know how strong my love for you is? I was a fool that I hurt you. Hope that you love me as always.


Relationships are hard, and sometimes people fight. It’s totally normal. It is important to learn how to apologize. I feel like I did something wrong, and I am really sorry for making you feel bad. I’ll do my best to never do this again.


Sweetheart, let me show you how much I love you. All my actions yesterday were only a misunderstanding. I’m feeling guilty.


I love you so much, my dear. I’m truly sorry for my mistakes. Hope to see you soon.


I want to apologize you, my dear, for my foolish behaviour. It will not happen again. I promise!

My wonderful girl, I’m really sorry that I hurt you. I didn’t want it. Please, forgive me. Miss you!


You are the person I love and appreciate more than anyone else in the whole universe. The thought of making you feel bad drives me crazy, and I want to apologize for hurting your feelings, baby. What I did was wrong. Please don’t be mad.


You are the only woman in my life. I don’t want that somebody would change it. Please, don’t be mad at me.


I’m sorry baby for all the wrongs I did, I know you still love me and I still love you, we can work things out I know it, I will try harder, and I know if we both want it, we can get through this! We just need to stay strong…


When I look into your eyes, I still see something, but it’s not happiness like when we were together, it is pain, I know you hide your pain in you smile, I know all you want to do is cry, but you still choose to smile… Forgive me for breaking your heart, I was stupid, but I know if I say something, I will hurt you even more…

Sorry I didn’t buy you flowers like you wanted, or didn’t give you enough attention I know you still feel something for me, I see it in your eyes, because they still sparkle, but I also see that I truly broke you… I’m sorry


I know I have troubles with controlling my actions. But I will do anything to never see you so extremely upset again. You are the reason I want to be a better version of myself, and I am really sorry for making you feel bad.


Sorry, for everything I said that made you cry, for all your nerves, for all your anger, for all the stress I gave you, you used to call me, I didn’t pick up, but one day, I felt something… I realised I lost you, no calls, no nerves, no stress or anger…


You were always with me, standing next to me, holding me up when I was down, you have been through my worst and my best, thank you, but I also wanted to say sorry, for never being there for you like you have been there for me…


I’m truly sorry for everything that I did wrong, for not giving you enough attention, for not texting back, for making you love me, when I didn’t even know if I loved you… I’m sorry for all of the pain I gave you… I’m sorry that I realised that I love you, when I lost you…

What I said was wrong. I should have thought about your feelings. My anger won’t help our relationship, but my love for you will. I am really sorry for making you feel that way, baby. Please forgive me.


I understand that you are very angry at me,
Because I was acting like a fool,
Please, believe me, I am very sorry for what I‘ve done wrong,
Forgive me, if you can.


I am sorry for my mistakes,
Let us leave them in the past,
Cause I truly believe
That my love for you will always last.


My heart is feeling so weak,
When you are not with me.
Hot tears are going down my cheek,
I am sorry, please, forgive me.


I am sorry for hurting you,
Please give me one more chance
To begin a new chapter of our relationships.
I love you, sweetheart.

Forgive me, for never giving you much attention, for leaving you when you were sad, if I only knew how you really felt, I would have been next to you, how could I have been so blind, I’m sorry for not seeing your pain, and for giving you pain…


Sometimes I just cannot control my actions. I guess all men have it in common. But whatever I do, I never want to hurt you. I love and appreciate you very much, and I am sorry for making you doubt that.


I saw you today, you looked so beautiful, you were smiling and seemed very happy… then I saw him holding you… then I remembered that I never did really hold you like him, I was never honest, I thought I was just playing, but when I lost you, I realised I really do love you… forgive me…


I’m sorry for not being next to you when you needed me the most, I’m sorry for making you sad or even cry, I’m sorry that I was a disappointment to you, I’m sorry for not being near, I’m sorry for all the mistakes that I have made…


I’m sorry babe, for everything I have ever done, for making you cry, for telling you lies and for making you not trust me… I’m sorry for disappointing you, for making you sad… I’m just, really sorry…

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