Thursday , 13 February 2025
Boku No Pico
Boku No Pico

Boku No Pico: All Characters, Episodes

Boku no Pico is a Japanese Animation Series that is based Initially on Adult Series. In the Japanese Language, Boku no Pico means my Pico. Boku no pico has the primary goal of attracting a male audience towards it. Natural High creates this famous series.


Boku no Pico is a Japanese animation series that is based initially on adult series. This series has got many awards. In the Japanese language, Boku no pico means my pico. It is a Japanese original video anime series that is producing for adults only. It has the primary goal of attracting a male audience towards it. Natural High creates this famous series. And he is trying to descry be this movie as the world’s first shotacon anime series. The whole series has consisted of 3 episodes altogether. The first version of the first episode is base on edited content, and 2nd episode is base on a manga one-shot, and the third episode is based on a computer game and based on a music album.

Boku no pico genre about

                         (The Shotacon and Hentai)

The genre of this famous series is base on shotacon, Hentai.

The whole series is direct by a renowned director who has the name Katsuyoshi Yatabe.

The named producer of this famous series is Seiji Kaneko. The story is the best, and of course, Boku no pico has got many awards from anime series and many other competitions. So the name of this story writer is Katsuhiko Takayama. Ashimagi Ora gives the music. The name of the studio is a natural high. The date of released this famous series is 7th of September in 2006. The total runtime consisting of this movie is about 33 minutes.

The next episode is base on the characters and some about video animation:

                                  (Pico and Chico)

This is some about its second episode, and this episode is also going very well on the screen. As we all know, the first episode hits all the anime industry records, and this series is also for adults only. The kids and children cannot watch this series because of its censored storyline and content.

 The picture quality is also excellent. 

But this whole episode has strict restrictions on adult content and adult watching. The director and the team of this movie series are prohibited to parents and banned this movie under 18 years old children. The second episode director’s name is also Katsuyoshi yatabe, and this Boku no pico has the producer name of Seiji Kaneko. Katsuhiko Takayama writes the 2nd episode story. The music of 2nd episode has given by Shinobi. And the name of the studio is a natural high.

 The date of releasing the 2nd episode is 19th of April in 2007. The total duration of 2nd episode is only 38 minutes.

The 3rd episode and original video description

i: My little summer story

The name of the third episode is my little summer story.

 And this episode is producing the same director and the producer also. 

The director name of the third episode is Katsuyoshi Yatabe. 

And the name of the producer is Seiji Kaneko. The story has written from the pen of the write is Katsuhiko Takayama. The writer of this series is also getting immense fame and popularity. The Ashiragi Ora gives the third episode’s music. And the releasing date of this movie is the 11th of November in 2007. The total runtime of the third episode is 30 minutes.

The 4th episode and original video description

                             i: Pico & coco & Chico

In this article, we are trying to cover up all the detail of this adult anime series with Boku no pico. The director and the producer remain the same as above mentioned their name also. The name of the director of this movie is Katsuyoshi Yatabe. And the producer of this movie is Seiji Kaneko.

A T2 musician band gives the music, and the studio’s name is Natural high. The date of releasing the 4th episode is the 9th of October in 2008. The runtime of this movie consisted of 35 minutes only.

some rumors about this movie Boku no pico:

The Boku no pico is based on the adult watch hours and adult content only. The primary audience of this anime series is the only male. The rest of the people who are not interested make so many rumors about this movie series. This series is gain so much criticism due to its pornography and sexual activities. The writer of this film series makes this movie for that male audience who have an attraction on same-gender, not in the opposite gender. Many people claimed that they do not watch this kind of movie.

A short video is viral during its releasing days, which name is don’t watch an anime with the name of Boku. This short viral video becomes a trend at this time and in the year 2010. Many kinds of movies are coming onto the media screen as a copy of this popular film series with Boku no pico. But no movie cannot win the heart of an audience except this movie. A movie that has the name of selling his soul to Lucifer comes into the market and becomes a copypasta.

Some famous characters of Boku no pico:

In this article, we are trying to cover up all the related topics Boku no pico about also we are trying to cover up describe all the details of all characters and casting of this movie. We represent all the related facts of the famous personalities of the Boku no pico movie.

All the related and famous characters of this movie Boku no pico were design by Saigado.

Some favorite characters and their details are mentions here:


Pico is the primary and leading character of this movie. He is the main hero of this movie. In Japanese, pico is writing like Piko. The voice-over artist’s name is Marika Sakou.

He is a very handsome and young hero of the movie. He has blonde hair. And he is working or doing a job at his grandfather’s bar as a part-time worker. He is working in the bar during the summer season. In the movie, Piko was showing to go swimming many times. He is very fond of swimming. When he is in the swimming pool, he is used to being loved to remain naked, and sometimes he is used to wearing a blue speedo. He likes to wear girl’s costumes and dresses. Also, He has an attraction to girls. He has a friend whose name is Tamotsu. 

Tamotsu sometimes gifts him girl’s clothes and accessories to Pico. Pico has feelings for Tamotsu, but later, he knows that he is flirting with him. He is hurt so much due to the rude behavior of Tamotsu. Tamotsu is sometimes called Mokkun.

 Pico Relations

Tamotsu does not describe his feelings for pico. And their relationship would not be prolonged. But in a short time, pico has forgotten the relationship with Tamotsu,

 and in the summer season, he is meeting with a new character of the movie, which has the name, Chico. Chico is also used to swimming in the swimming pool as a naked, riding the bike very well. Chico impressed pico. They both become friends in a short time of the meeting. Chico often calls Oniichan. Oniichan means in Japanese is big brother.

Soon they become fast friends and get in love with each other. They had started their sexual life, and their relationship is going greater. Also, They both have sexual addiction themselves with each other. They have a romantic sexual relationship.


Tamotsu is also known as the Mokkun. He is also known as the white-collar worker of a bar, 

and he is also known as the regular worker at Bebe. He used to seduce pico. When he is used to with a pretty girl. Tamotsu thinks that pico is a girl, but he discovers that he is a boy after a time. After that, he is buying a beautiful female dress for the pico. He is used to but for him a ruby choker and pair of panties.

He asked pico to wear this outfit for him, and he is ready to wear this dress for Tamotsu. Pico is wearing this outfit as in the initial meeting with Tamotsu. His thoughts about the pico were the best and unique piece of sexual object. When pico disappears for a long time, he realizes that he has great feelings for Tamotsu. But in the 2ns and 3rd episodes, Tamotsu is not seen with him, but they have the same relationship and emotions.


Ojiisan is the older character of this movie series. He is the grandfather and the owner of a bar. He has a large bar, but his bar usually remains empty at all times. There is no crowd in the bar. And people are not interested in coming to his bar for entertainment purposes. He is running his bar at the beach, which has the name of Bebe. When Tamotsu visits his bar in the summertime, he insisted on Tamotsu working as a waiter with pico. And he is also asked to wear a pink frill skirt. The grandfather is also advised to both that they should spend time together. The grandfather is the primary source of introducing pico with the Tamotsu.


In Japanese, Chico can be writing as Chiko. The name of the voice-over artist for this character is Aiko Okubo.

He is a brunette boy, and he is lives with his elder sister. He is living in the forest, and he has a large house located in the secluded woods. However, He is a timid boy, and he is younger as compared with Pico. Also, He is developing his feelings and emotions for the pico. In the 2nd and 3rd episodes of the movie Boku no pico, he shows with the pico.

He has a sexual relationship with pico. He is significantly younger, and he has no experienced of sexual affairs. Also, He is love and likes to play outside of his home as naked. And he is also secretly watching Oneesan of doing masturbate and doing some sexual activities.

In the most of time and in scenes, he is the same. Due to his younger age, he has a relationship with pico and is not reversible.


Oneesan is chico’s elder sister, and she is living with his younger brother in a large house. She is the legal guardian of his younger brother. They both lived in a large house. She is a very caring sister to her younger brother. But due to his legal and only one guardian, both siblings lived in a place located in a countryside area, and their home is only one there. Due to his caretaker, she was frustrated and lived like a single.

She has no affair with anyone. She isolated herself in her home. Her frustration level increases, and she masturbates regularly. But she has a crack on her room ceiling, and she does not become aware of this fact. Her brother chico and his friend are using to watch her from the damage to the roof.

She has an extensive collection of sex toys and cosplay outfits. Chico and his friend pico are usually used her company and sex toys without her permission. She becomes their indirect cause of being sexually attractive and active. When she goes to do some shopping and do some groceries, pico and chico use her outfits and toys.

 And she is not aware of this fact. When she is returning home from the grocery shopping, she comes to know that her brother and pico are sexually engaged and active with each other.


Coco is also known as the Koko. Also, CoCo is a fascinating and shy character in this movie Boku no pico. His appearance looks like a girl, and he is looking like a feminist. He has long black hair, and he meets with pico and chico in the third episode of this movie Boku no pico. Coco is usually known as the name of city fairy.

 He is known as the city fairy due to his appearance.

 He subtly implies due to his minor changes in his occurrence. 

But all during the movie, this is not confirmed news.

 Coco has started his sexual activities with Pico and Chico. After some time, coco decided to separate his way from Pico and Chico. And he creates distances from them. But suddenly, they again meet in Tokyo, and they are all reunited. They reunite at the Tokyo Tower. And then they do a threesome there. He becomes the primary uke of three. But the changes in their relationship can be reversible.

The original video animations (OVA) about this movie Boku no pico:

The movie, which has the name Boku no Pico, is the anime illustrations, and it is also the best anime story for adults and only for the male audience. There is no attraction for the female audience. Despite this fact, both genders can enjoy this movie. It has three main and important parts and episodes released in the market, and everyone can watch this movie over the internet. All three pieces are direct by the same person named Katsuyoshi Yatabe, and all three episodes are producing by the same production house, which has the name Natural High.

The first part or episode is releasing as the name of my pico on DVD. And this DVD was produced into the market by soft on Demand in 7th of September in 2008. 

Then a box is appearing in the market. This box contains a double episode of the movie, which is probably 2nd and 3rd episode of this Boku no pico movie. These episodes were released on the market on the 19th of April in 2007. The first and second episodes are re-edit for a better experience. These episodes were re-edited and reversion and also merge the 

the central theme of the story with a different script as the name of my little summer story.

The re-edited version, with the name of my little summer story, can be seen or watched by under 18 people.

Boku no Pico Episode 1 and its plotline:

Episode 1 has the title name is my pico, and in Japanese, it is writing as Boku no pico. The releasing date of the first part, which has the name of my pico, is the 7th of September in 2006.

The story is revolving around a boy who loves to wear and looking like a girl. He is working his grandfather’s café and bar as a waiter during the summer season. Also, He is loved to wear female outfits as well. He is hoping and wants to make more and more friends, 

and then meets with his love in his life friend name is Tamotsu. He is often known as Mokkun. Mokkun seducing him and treats him as a girl and he is also giving some outfits of females. But pico wants to know your feelings and thoughts for him. But you do not describe him. Then pico runs away from the house of mokku, and he cuts off his hair. Later on, mokku searching pico, but he could not find him.

Boku no Pico Episode 2 and its plotline:

Episode 2 has the title name is pico and chico. And in Japanese, it is piko to Chiko.

The second episode was released on the 19th of April in 2007.

The plotline of the 2nd episode is mentioned here:

Pico, we all know is the primary and leading character of this movie series which has the name Boku no pico. 

One day pico finds a shy but significantly younger boy name is chico at his grandfather’s café and bar. Then they soon became fast friends, and they started their sexual activities soon. Pico often visits Chico’s home, and both watch Chico’s sister. Chico’s has an elder sister, and she is regularly doing masturbates. Then pico told chico that boys could also do this activity. And then they have started to do sex.

The re-edited version of episodes 1 and 2 and its plotline:

The third part of this movie comprises the story of episodes 1 and episode 2. It is a mixture of both attacks. This re-edit version can watch by under 18 people, and this episode is not prohibited at all. It is released on the date of 11th of November in 2007. And this re-edited version has the name of my little summer story.

The re-edited version of 1, 2, and 3 episodes and its plotline:

Episode 1 and 2 and the re-edited version of the episode is all combines in one Ova, and it has the title name of pico & CoCo & Chico. Coco is the city fairy, and he is lives under the subway. Pico is starting to fell in love with the coco. Then pico and coco have some sexual affairs and activities. This relationship is going more complex and stronger with time when they have started threesome at the Tokyo tower. This episode is prohibited under 18-year people.

The final words:

Boku no Pico is the best and award-winning anime illustration that producing the anime king country, which is Japan. This movie series is prohibited under 18 years.

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