Saturday , 26 October 2024


Friendship is one of the most beautiful things. Friends inspire us, support us, help us to grow, make us feel valued and loved. Friendship can be described as a flower that must be consistently watered and maintained in order to grow and grow well. Though social networks has played important roles in providing the opportunity for friends to connect, the best way to maintain cordial relationship with your friends is to send a cool message as you think of them. On this page we present you a wide collection of nice friendship quotes and friendship messages that will help to express your feelings and show your friends how much you appreciate their friendship.


I want to thank you for not paying attention to my damaged façade and being able to see right through it. You see the real me, and that’s all that matters when it comes to friendship. You’re my ride or die. 


You know why I love you? Even when it rains, and I feel like a giant black cloud, you never fail to show your love and support, turning my sadness into a rainbow with your sunshine. You have no idea how much it means to me. 


You’ve showed me that it doesn’t matter what we have in life. What matters is who keeps us company in our darkest hour. I can’t imagine a better friend than you, buddy. Thank you for you. 


Do you know why you’re the best friend in the whole world? Because you’ve taught me to treat myself the way I treat you, and I have never been happier. You have a heart of gold, mate. 


Do you know what I like the most about you? The fact that you actually want to know how I’m feeling when you ask, and you actually listen when I talk. I still can’t believe that I am lucky enough to have you as my friend. 


How can I be mad at you? I have so much important stuff to tell you. Not talking to you is torture, so I’ve officially decided that we will never fight again. Let’s make a pinky promise just like we used to!


Bernard Meltzer once said, that “a true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.” Lord knows I’m all types of cracked. Thank you for being my friend despite all that.


“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”Isn’t it the perfect description of our friendship? Albert Camusdefinitely knew something about us. 


Do you know what Oscar Wilde said? “Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in friendship, is conversation.” I thought of you when I read that. Thank you for being the most interesting interlocutor I have ever known.


As Maya Angelou once said, “a friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” I’m so glad that a perfect stranger became my best friend! Thank you for being with me through all these years, mate. 


Friendship sayings

The best adventures start with friendship. A friend makes every journey so much more exciting and unforgettable; everywhere you go, always take your friend with you. You won’t regret it. 


Even the most complicated situations become easier when you have a friend by your side. Take care of those who takes care of you, and you’ll see how much your life will change. 


A good friend is someone who can drop everything just to be with you when you need it the most. Don’t forget to be that person for someone you consider your friend. Friendship is about being there for each other. 


Real friends are hard to find, but it’s actually hard to lose ones as well. Friends fight and stop talking to each other on regular basis, but they never disappear. What’s yours will always be yours. 


Friendship is giving without expecting anything in return. The most amazing thing is that your friend will always pay you back, no matter what, because this is how real friendship works. 



Nice messages for friends

I can’t express how important our friendship is for me. I don’t think I would be able to stay strong through all this time without your endless support and very special love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.


We have so much in common, yet we are so different. We share a ton of memories and crazy experiences, and I’m sure there’s so much more to come. There’s no one else I’d rather be on this adventure with than you.


Having a friend like you is a true blessing. I feel like you are one of a kind. When I think of you, I immediately feel better, safer, calmer. I want to thank you for being the most wonderful human being the world.


I love spending time with you. I enjoy every second of our adventures, and It’s crazy how much love and support you are able to give me every time we talk. My best friend has the most amazing soul. 


Friendship is an adventure of a lifetime. It’s full of ups and downs, but together friends can cope with every difficulty on their way. May God bless every one of us with a best friend. Nothing is impossible when you have a right person by your side. 


Having a friend like you means being the happiest person alive. I can’t even think of a world without you in it. The warmth that you give me each and every day fills my heart with so much love. I love you, buddy.


Friendship is something you can’t buy or sell. It’s priceless. Therefore you have to take care of it and make sure your friends are happy. Each and every day. 


A friend is a person who will fill your heart with light in your darkest hour. It’s someone who will do anything to make you smile when you are about to cry. Love and appreciate your friends.


I still can’t believe that I was lucky enough to meet you. Our friendship means everything to me. I would sacrifice myself for you, and I know you would do the same for me. I love you, mate.


Real friendship is a miracle. People are so different, and finding someone who you’re comfortable with is so rare. I love you for being my best buddy for all these years. Thank you for everything.


Friendship wishes

Our friendship is something that makes me smile in my darkest hours. I appreciate it more than anything else in the world, and I know you feel the same way. That’s why our relationship is so strong. 


To understand if someone is a real friend you have to be on the battlefield together. That’s when you know if this person is ready to stay with you no matter what. I know you would do anything for me, buddy. Thank you for that. 


A friend like you is someone who is slowly becoming a part of me, and I actually don’t mind that. We understand each other so well, and I want it to last forever, mate. 


Friendship is helping your best buddy even when you feel down. It’s supporting your friends even if you don’t agree with them. I’m so happy to have someone I can call my true friend. Thank you for that, mate.


My mom has always told me that I have high expectations, and it will be hard for me to find a friend. But guess what? I have one, and I think it makes you a perfect human being. 


Friendship is like a silent, unbreakable promise “you are my friend no matter what“.


Think twice before calling someone your friend. But if it happened, never think twice whether to call this person your friend in public. Friendship never tolerates ambiguity and distortions – it needs to be clear.


If you want to have a perfect friend, you also have to be perfect. But nobody’s perfect, that’s why we have to accept and learn to love all the drawbacks of our dear friends.


Friends are not things. We mustn’t choose them, trade them, lose them… Friends are living beings who must be very close and dear to our hearts, that’s why we should love, appreciate and take care of them.


You may have money, fame or power, but if you never know what real friendship is, you’ll never know the real happiness.

Friendship is about sharing everything: happiness, sorrows, mood, ideas, opinions, home, money, food. Sharing is what makes friendship so unique and pleasant.


Friends are just like fishes – it takes time to catch a good one,
Just like I caught you,
So be good, or I will fry you, buddy!


The most pleasant company is the company of your friends. The most interesting communication is the one with your friends. The most exciting life is the life shared with your friends.


A real friend is someone who knows that you’re not perfect and have drawbacks, but he will never tell it anybody – on the contrary, a true friend will tell them all that you’re the most amazing man on the planet.


Choosing friends means choosing your surroundings. It determines our intellectual and emotional development and most often has a tremendous impact on our life and our personality. Our friends are the mirror that gives us the submission of ourselves.

Useful friends are not these whom you use for personal purposes – these are friends who are able to make you happy, when you’re upset; who are able to inspire you when it seems that no hope is left.


Friends have to quarrel to know whether their friendship is true. A real friend will never drag his friend through the muck in public – on the contrary, he will say how great, kind and honest his friend is.


We should remember and care about our friends not only while we’re together, but when they’re far away. Long-distance friendship is the strongest one.


The most important thing is quality, not quantity. That’s why we have to strive to have good, reliable and understanding friends, but not false and lying fakes.


They say that the best way to know your friend is on the road. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s the road in a journey or the road of life. Time will straighten it all and show the real faces of the people we call friends.

When we were kids, we had many friends, because we were opened and naive. But as we grow older we start to choose our surroundings very carefully, because we understand that friends characterize ourselves and our life. Nobody wants to see something terrible in the mirror.


One really strong, noble and long-lasting friendship is worth a hundred of fake and unworthy friends.


Friendship is the most amazing phenomena. Without any kinship, friends feel a special connection. Without any romantic entanglement, friends feel deep love for each other. True friendship is the purest relationship that one can ever have.


It’s priceless to know that if you’re in trouble, your friend will come to help you and if you’re happy, your friend will home to make you doubly happy.


The only difference between friends and lovers is that the first don’t need any kisses or hugs to prove their feelings to each other.

Being a friend to everybody is being a friend to nobody. Friendship is a lot deeper than it may seem from the first time. And if you manage to stand all the tests , you’ll reach the true meaning of it.


Nowadays it’s easier to find a girlfriend or a boyfriend than a real, honour and devoted friend. That’s why we should appreciate our friends and never let them down.


Sometimes it’s better to give up on your own opinion or position than on your best friend. Compromises will pave the way to a strong and infinite friendship.


Never regret loosing friends. If they disrespect you, betray or use you, they’re never worth keeping them so close to you. It is not true friendship – it’s only a waste of time.


There’s a recipe of a strong and long friendship. The ingredients are: common interests, respect, understanding, the ability to listen, kindness and generosity. If you strictly abide by this recipe, you’ll get an unbelievable friendship!

Real friends should have eaten salt and sugar together and stood the test of time. Real friends won’t give up on their friendship, because they know that together they’re invincible and, what is more important, happy.


A real friend is an extension of you, of your body and your soul. He’s like a safe place, where you can put your secrets and be sure that they will never go beyond it, because your friend’s heart is yours and vice versa.


Real friends are these who have much in common: preferences and something they both dislike, hobbies and attitude. Real friends are soulmates, who understand and respect each other.


Friendship has many amazing qualities, but the main of them all is the opportunity to be yourself and not to be afraid to be got wrong. Friendship makes us take off our masks and see who we really are.


A man is the supreme value only when somebody really needs him, only when somebody appreciates and loves him. And friendship is the best way to understand how precious and unique you are.

There are 7 billion people on this planet, but I genuinely think that you are the best one. I’m so lucky to have you, buddy. I’ll do anything to make this friendship last forever. 


For me friendship is not about talking to each other 24/7, it’s about knowing that someone’s got your back no matter what. I have that feeling, because I have you, fella. God bless you for that. 


It is not necessary to have a friend who has the same interests. I appreciate our friendship cause we can share our experiences and knowledge, which makes us both smarter. Love you for that, buddy.


Even if I had to choose from an insane amount of people, I would still choose you to be my friend. Because it’s not about particular qualities that I appreciate in you. It’s just you in general. Love you, fella!


To be your friend means to be the happiest person in the world. I’m so lucky to have you, because you are the funniest and kindest human being in the whole universe. I appreciate you so much, fella, and I will do anything to make our friendship last forever.

You understand the value of friendship only when you lose it. That’s why it’s so important to enjoy and appreciate every minute spent with your friend and try to save relationships despite everything.


Really great things are those that include many little things that live in peace and understanding. Even the Universe is not that giant at all: it consists of planets, asteroids, galaxies… Friendship also works this way and is made of many pleasant little things.


If you want to save and enrich friendship, you have to learn to forgive. Friendship requires self-sacrifice and the ability to accept our friends just the way they are. You’ll understand that friendship is worth it eventually.


A best friend is someone you trust better than yourself. It’s someone who you love stronger than yourself. It’s someone whose interests you’re ready to put above your own interests if it’s necessary. A real friendship doesn’t tolerate egoism.


A real friend is like a doctor: he knows where it hurts and knows how to heal all wounds. But still there’s one difference: unlike doctor, your friend doesn’t need to ask any questions to know what’s wrong with you. He intuitively knows the right treatment and the ways to make you happy.

Friendship is almighty and invincible. It has many unique properties. You may share happiness and grief with you friend, and the first will be multiplied and the second will diminish. It’s a real magic, isn’t it?


What does true friendship mean?
It means understanding, but not agreement.
Also friendship means to forgive, but not to forget.
It means, that even if contact is lost, memories will last forever.


Always try to spend some time for your true friends, even though you are very busy.
Cause one day you can get free time, but there will be no friends around you.


A real friend means the world. A wonderful, sometimes incomprehensible, but still close and dear one to your own world. And together you mean a whole Universe.


What is friendship? It is when you give and expect nothing in return. It’s when you take and know that your friend expects nothing in return. Real friendship is pure and selfless.

Respect the friends who have time for you in their busy schedule,
But truly love and trust only those friends, who never look at their schedule when you really need them.


I don‘t need words to talk about friendship, because I‘m lucky to have an amazing person, who understands even my silence.


It‘s good to have money and buy the things, but never forget to make sure that you haven‘t lost something important that money can‘t buy – friends.


Love is like a call – you can miss it,
While true friendship is like a text message – it will wait for you, till you open it.


When you are happy, you wish to be with the person who you love the most,
But when you are sad, you wish to be with the person who loves you the most.

I have born under a lucky star,
Cause I found a true friend as you are!


The privilege of true friendship is that we can talk total nonsense, and the best part is that we respect that nonsense.


Sharing memories, secrets and smiles that touch the heart.
Laughter, long talks, when we are near or far apart.
I am so glad that from being strangers
We have grown to perfect friends!


Best friends are those, who don‘t have any expectations from each other, but sincerely do care for each other.


Just want let you know that my silence doesn‘t mean that I forgot you or do not care about you,
Cause true friendship is like the air, it‘s always around you, even if you cannot see it.

About Web Master

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