Saturday , 26 October 2024
Happy New Year Christian Messages

Happy New Year Christian Messages

Celebrate this new year by sending Christian new year wishes and greetings to your family and friends. May Christ be kind to bless your family and shower love and happiness. Let us welcome this new year by having Christ s the focal point of celebration. Let us thank the lord for giving us another beautiful year to include in the book called life. May this page unfold in our lives with lot of surprises, love and peace. May each and every day of this year unfold and spread happiness and joy, just as a flower blossoms and spreads fragrance by unfolding s petals one after another. Wish and pray a very happy new year in the name of Lord Christ.

Christian New year Message for Boyfriend and Girlfriend

1). My love, I wish whole heartedly that this new year should fill your heart lot of happiness, you will see that all of our plans will come true. I love you and I will show you my love every day.”

2). This year has been a wonderful journey all because of your love and company and I’m sure that the next year will be more awesome. Congratulations in this new year my princess.”

3). We have a new year to make our love stronger and live our relationship completely. I love you and I wish you the best in the year which begins.

Christian Messages for New Year Cards

4). May the almighty god strengthen your bond with family and friends this New Year. Happy New Year

5). God as our Leader, Lets face this mystical magic of life , another year under His guidance. Happy New Year!

6). Welcome this new year with new hope. This New Year has a lot of promises for us. Trust God and everything will be fine. Happy New Year!

Christian New Year Inspirational Messages

7). Size, intensity and nature of problem does not matter as long as you have your faith in God intact. Almighty will be with you and help you to overcome all your problems. Congratulations on this New Year once again.

8). Be on the right path that is lid by God, then you should not fear any problem that comes your way because you will be triumphant and thus become a better person. The best wishes to you and your family in this New Year.

9). In this life we reap everything that we sow, so that is why do good deeds and be responsible in doing  your job well in this world. May God fill your home with blessings in the coming year.

Christian New Year Quotes, Christian New Year Messages Verses

10). We often don’t realize the blessings showered by lord on us, but if we meditate in our hearts we will realize how greatly blessed we are. Have a successful year in Jesus Christ.

11). Let us thank God for all the blessings he gave us on the year that is ending and ask him to bless our homes on the coming year. Many congratulations on this 2023

12). True happiness is obtained through acts of kindness filled with loved that we have with our loved ones, our friends and our neighbors. Happy a New Year filled with many blessings.

New Year Christian Messages from The Bible

2 Corinthians 5:17

13). Therefore, If anyone is in Christ, The new creation has come: The old has gone, The new is here. Happy New Year.

Psalm 98:1

14). Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things His right hand and holy arm have worked salvation for him. Bless you and your family for the New Year.

Jeremiah 29:11

15). For I know the plans I have for your, declares he Lord. He plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a bright future in 2023.

New Year Christian Message for Family

16). A wonderful year is awaiting for us to be lived according to the teachings of our Savior, only then we will be able to attain true happiness. May God bless you and your family.

17). Lets have Jesus Christ in the center of our life, we never get confused because we know perfectly what our purpose in life is. Happy New Year.

18). Dear brothers, may this 2023 bring us many opportunities to share the gospel, let us not waste them. Happy New Year to all.

New Year Christian Message for Best friends

19). May the arrival of the New Year be the perfect opportunity for you to make a change in your life by receiving our Savior in your heart. Have a new year filled with much happiness.

20). New Year can awaken the best feelings in all people and for that we must take the chance to send a special Christian text to all our loved ones. We can change lives by inviting people to come to Jesus Christ. May you have a happy New Year.

21). I hope you have the opportunity to share with your family the arrival of the New Year; there is nothing more wonderful than enjoying unforgettable moments with our loved ones. Happy New Year.

New Year Christian Message for Family

22). We often think that we have not received great blessings, but if we meditate in our hearts we will realize how greatly blessed we are. Have a successful year in Jesus Christ.

23). If we center our lives in Jesus Christ, we never feel confused because we will know perfectly what our purpose in life is. Happy New Year.

24). True happiness is obtained through acts of kindness filled with loved that we have with our loved ones, our friends and our neighbors. Happy a New Year filled with many blessings.

New Year Christian Message for Husband and Wife

25). Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. Lord blesses you for 2023

26). God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God. Have a blessed 2023.

27). There is no more lovely, friendly or charming relationship, communion or company, that a good marriage. Best Wishes for 2023.

Happy New Year Christian Message for Boss

28). I wish your kids are blessed by the God for success, happiness and good luck this New Year. Happy New Year boss.

29). May the Lord ensure you get success in your career and resolve all conflicts this year. Wish you another successful new year.

30). I wish the god blesses you to get enough prospects of merriment and celebration this year. Wish you a good family get together this year. Happy New Year.

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