Thursday , 24 October 2024


On this page you will find love messages for him. Though men look so brutal and serious, they enjoy getting love quotes from their beloved ones. Various sweet messages or wise quotes about love that you can find in this section will melt the heart of any man.


I know that we’ve decided to be just friends, but I can’t help it. I have feelings for you, and I can’t hide it anymore. I don’t want to ruin what we have and I just hope that you’ll understand me. 


I have never felt like this before. You make me feel so alive, so beautiful, so inspired. I can’t stop thinking of you, and I feel like I know what it means. I love you, and it’s absolutely crazy, but it’s true. I love you. Love you. Love you. 


I was so sure that I will never be able to love again, but you proved me wrong. Thank you for showing me that life is a beautiful adventure, and I don’t have to go through it alone. I love you, baby. 


I could stare at your face all day. It’s so strange that you never knew. I’m madly in love with you, and I think it’s time to let you know. I want to spend every second of my life with you, want to share everything with you. I love you. 


It’s always been hard for me to express my feelings, but I’ll try my best for you. You make me feel like I actually belong in this world, and I’m obsessed with this feeling. I love you. Wasn’t that obvious? 


You make me feel safe. There’ a million reasons for why I love you, actually. I wouldn’t know where to start. I just wanted to say that you make me very happy and I love you more than anyone else in the world. 


I’m so proud of the man you have become. You are the most amazing human being I have ever known, and I can’t believe that I’m the one who got you. You are the love of my life, sweetheart. 


How to say “I love you” in a non-corny way? It’s so hard! All I want is for you to understand that my feelings for you are not mediocre or typical. It’s something that changed my life completely. You’ve changed my life completely.


I would be so lost without your love. It lifts me up when my spirit is down. It helps me to get through the toughest times. I’m so madly stupidly in love with everything you are and everything you do, baby. 


This kind of love is different. I feel its roots growing deeper and deeper every day, and it fills me with so much joy and excitement. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you. 


Your touch makes me feel like I have never been touched before. Your smile brings me so much peace and joy. Your voice is music to my ears. I love you so much, I want to scream about it from every mountain top.


To be honest, I was afraid of every man before I met you. I was hurt so many times that I just couldn’t trust anyone. You changed my world completely. I will be forever grateful for your love, baby. My heart feels safe in your hands. 


At one point in my life I just stopped believing that I will ever love again. That someone will ever love me unconditionally. My heart breaks into million little pieces because of the power of love that I have for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. 


Love is so complicated. I hate talking about my feelings and trying to understand why I feel what I feel. I just love you because of you. I love you because every part of you makes every part of me insanely happy. I love you, and that’s all that matters to me. 


I love you so much that I feel like I can choke you with my bare hands. Is it weird? This energy is just so powerful, I have so much feelings for you it makes me go crazy. I will do anything to stay with you forever. I love you more than life itself. 

You’re so much more than you know, baby. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. I’ve never been more fascinated by someone in my entire life. You’ve rocked my world like a hurricane. I love you endlessly. 


For me, you are the definition of love. Everything you do makes me feel so much love and appreciation of what I have with you. There’s nothing more important than us, baby. I will love you till the end of time. 


Every single cell of my body is in love with every cell of yours. Isn’t it obvious? I’m head over heels. I’ve never felt like this before, and I will do anything to make it last forever. Let’s make it last forever together. 


I’m the happiest human being alive, because I have you. I see you in everything. Every love song is about you and the way I feel. I know you are special, and the fact that you are mine makes me feel special as well. Thank you for everything, I love you. 


Nothing is impossible as long as we are together. The love I have for you makes me feel like ain’t no mountain high enough to keep me from getting to you, baby! I love you like the Moon loves the Earth, and just like the Moon, I will always be somewhere around you. 


I couldn’t have imagined that a man can be as kind and loving as you are. I love you with every piece of my heart, and I would never trade you for anybody else. Your every flaw is perfect to me. Thank you for being my man.


I have the best man in the world! I want everyone to know that I’m a woman in love. I want to share this feeling with every single person on the planet. You make my every dream come true. I love you, baby!


I’ve been waiting for a man like you all my life. One look was enough for me to fall in deep love with you. This love is something that makes my life a beautiful fairytale. Thank you for bringing so much tenderness into my world. 


I am becoming a better version of myself when I’m with you. Have you ever noticed? When I’m with you, I feel like everything is possible. You will always be my superhero, baby. I love you to the moon and back. 


I just want to take time to appreciate your amazingness. I know that I don’t say it quite often, but I love you endlessly. I’ve never experienced something like that before. Thank you for being you. 


You give me shelter, when I need to take a rest and hide from the outside world. You give me comfort, when I’m exhausted and distressed. You give me hugs and kisses when I need some tenderness and care. You give me everything I need in this life, and I wish it would never end.


Your name is synonymous with happiness. Your appearance is the reflection of perfection. Your voice is the most beautiful melody. And together we are the picture of love itself. I’m so glad we have found each other in this world.


Every time I feel down and miserable, I remember that you love me and that it is totally impossible to be unhappy and be loved by you at the same time. You are my protection against all evils and sorrows. Thank you for that, sweetheart. I love you.


I love you blindly, I love you madly. Everything in you is perfect to me. Even if you have any drawbacks, my love for you is able to turn them into your biggest advantages. This is the power of love, and I’m grateful to you that you gave it to me.


I want you to be happy, and if this means to go our separate ways, then let it be so. I don’t want to be selfish, because to me love means taking into consideration and caring about the needs of the one you love. And since this person is you, I want you to be happy – with or without me.


I believe that dreams come true. Not so long ago I dreamed about meeting the love of my life – and here you are. Together we’ll make our wildest dreams come true. All we need is to believe and love.


It doesn’t matter if you believe in Providence or not, but I’m strongly convinced that we met each other for a reason. To make each other happy and worthy. To bring peace and harmony into each other’s hearts. To love each other ultimately and unconditionally.


The road of life is full of sharp and unexpected turns, and you never know for sure what is waiting for you there. I was so happy to discover a real treasure right behind the bend, and this treasure is you. I promise I will never trade or abandon you.


Every time I close my eyes at night I see your face. You’re smiling to me and saying the sweetest things. How I wish it was happening in real life… But you belong to somebody else, and I won’t ever interfere with it, because your happiness means a world to me, even though we’re not together.


I will never stop loving you, because you give me courage and strength, peace and harmony, laughter and joy. You give me everything I need to feel a better person, and I’m ready to share it with the whole world. I love you, sweetheart.

I’m not afraid to show my feelings, even though it makes me vulnerable. I’m not afraid to say I love you, even though you can’t say the same to me. I’m not afraid to be yours, even though you will never be mine. True love has no boundaries and no restrictions. True love is what I feel towards you.


Our souls and our lives are intertwined now. I depend and rely on you. And you shouldn’t hesitate to do just the same. Now we have each other, and we are the closest people on the planet for each other. May it never change.


Sometimes I just let the love flow through my body. I can feel it fill my heart, my veins, my soul. And I become extremely happy and safe. You make it possible, my love, and I eager to make you happy as well.


I have always been afraid to fall in love, because there’s always a chance that I’m going to end up crying. But this time everything is different. Even if something terrible happens between us and we are no longer together, I will never regret loving you and caring about you. You should know that.


People meet each other and fall in love. They have hopes and dream about marvelous future together. But you know what? I don’t really want to focus on the future too much, because our present is so exciting that I can’t stop enjoying it.

You’re the only one for me, and all I want is to be the only one for you. There’s nothing more terrible for me than being abandoned by you. Please, tell me you will always stay with me, because if you stay, I will make you the happiest man on Earth.


It’s so amazing to be in love, to hold hands, to kiss, to tell each other sweet things. I know that this is only the beginning and everything may drastically change in a heartbeat, but I don’t really want to think about it. I’m full of love and happiness and I’m craving to share this marvelous feeling with you.


If I were to die today, the only thing I would ask for is to see you again. To see your beautiful eyes, to hear your deep voice, to breath in the smell of your body one more time. This is all I want.


Have you ever thought about us moving in together? I know that, probably, I’m moving too fast, but every night I can’t fall asleep, because I’m dreaming about us waking up together, cooking breakfast, spending evenings watching movies in each other’s arms… These thoughts make me so comfortable and cozy.


I don’t know what love is, but every time I’m with you I feel butterflies in my stomach. I forget about the world, and everything I can think about is you and me, together. What do you do to me? I think I’m falling in love.

I would like you to have a superpower so you could see yourself through my eyes. So you could realize how amazing and special you really are. I love you, baby. Thank you for being with me no matter what.


There are billions of people on Earth, but I will always want you only. All I see is you, baby. My heart is yours till the end of time. Thank you for being my biggest support through all this time. Love you endlessly.


What on Earth did I do before you? I can’t even imagine the world without your beautiful smile highlighting my darkest days. I feel extremely blessed to have you in my life, baby. Thank you for everything.


To love you is such a simple thing to do because you are the most amazing human being in the world. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you, but I’m very grateful for having you in my life. Love you so much.


Love requires a lot of attention. Sometimes it is hard to find a strength to cope with problems in relationships, but for you, baby, I’m ready to fight until I die. You are the Sun of my life. I will never let you go.

I don’t want no tomorrow if you are not with me. My each and every day is precious just because you make it precious. You have made my life so much better, baby. I love you like crazy.


My heart races when I see your beautiful smile. Your soft lips drive me crazy. The way you put your hands on my waist when we dance makes me lose my mind. Let’s stay like this forever. Young and in love, baby.


When I catch you looking at me, my heart stops. You have that something that drives me crazy. I want this feeling to last forever, baby. Let’s make our love immortal.


When I met you I thought that there is no way I’m gonna like you. But look at me now, head over heels in love with someone I used to call weirdo. You are my other half, and I love everything about you, baby.


I just want to remind you that there’s no one who can replace you, baby. The way you always know how to make me smile, the way you hold me in your arms, the way you tell me you love me. It’s precious. I love you endlessly, baby.

Baby, my world lights up when you are around. Your every step, your every move is something so graceful and beautiful. You are my most precious treasure, my biggest secret, my sweetest sin. You are the drug I’m addicted to. I love you endlessly.


We are two souls connected to be together for eternity. I am here to stay with all of my heart. It’s so sweet and wonderful to be with you. Let’s stay this way forever, till the end of time.


I don’t believe that happiness comes easily. You always need to fight for it. I know that our relationship is not that perfect and we have many issues, but I love you and this love inspires me to continue fighting.


Darling, I know that sometimes we argue. And we have problems like every couple does. But it doesn’t matter, because our love is so strong. We can handle every difficulty and cope with every pain if we are together. Love you so very much, can’t wait to see you.


Every time I go to bed I feel happy and excited, because I know I will see you in my dreams. You being with me even when I’m asleep is such a blessing, for I can’t imagine a minute without you by my side. Please, don’t you ever stop appearing in my sweetest dreams. Love you so very much.

I can’t stop counting minutes till I see you. Everything falls apart when you’re not around, and it just makes me crazy. I’ll never get used to not always having you by my side, and I can do nothing with that, because my love for you fills my every thought. Can’t wait to touch you, hold you, kiss you. Love you.


Every time I think about you, my heart starts beating faster. I’m under your spell and it doesn’t seem to end. And I wish it would never end. Because you are the only person on the planet, who makes me feel alive.


Baby, you know I love you, even when you hurt me, or make me cry, when you make me smile or laugh, when you support me or help me with my problems, I will never stop loving you, I promise.


I still wait for you, when you are not waiting for me, I think of you, when you don’t think of me, and I promise I will always have a special place in my heart, even if you stopped loving me.


I remember when you were just a plain guy in my life, I never thought you were going to be so important to me… faith can be so funny sometimes, it can bring two people together like us, and can easily tare them apart, let’s hope that this doesn’t happen to us… Love you.

Take me away, I’m yours. I know you didn’t have any doubts about that, did you? I believe in fate and destiny. Meeting you was fate and being with you is destiny!


I know you think of me, when I’m not there, I know that you are the one for me, I thought that we wouldn’t work out, but look at us now, we did, and I don’t regret a single thing I said and did, because it was faith that brought us back together.


I love you (name of boy), I never stopped loving you, when we argued, when we “went on a break” I never stopped thinking about you, and never stopped loving you, when you said you are not worth loving.


Babe, I love you, I loved you since the day I saw you, and when you surprised me with those flowers… It was amazing, and I know I fall in love with you every day even more, I miss you when you’re not here, and can’t sleep if I don’t say goodbye.


I am sharing the most beautiful moments with you, darling, I feel so thankful for them!

My love for you is eternal like the sun and lightens up my life!


When I‘m walking alone, I only wish to reach the end of the road,
But when you are walking with me, I wish that the road would never end.
I love you forever and always.


Day by day my love for you is growing,
My heart is singing from my love to you,
You are my sunshine, my hope, my everything.


I want to melt in your embrace, from your warm arms and your heartbeat,
I want to hear your voice, your tender words,
I want to see your eyes, so honest and loving,
I want to be close to you, to touch you, to feel you,
I want to be yours forever.


You are the reason for the smile on my lips and the joy in my heart, honey, I love you so much.

I’d love to hear your gentle words, see your beautiful smile and be forever in your arms.


Time without you is like eternity.
But when you are next to me, the time doesn’t exist.


I still cannot believe,
That now I have you near.
I wish to be with you
Always and forever.


I’m so completely in love with you. I feel like I’m trapped in this feeling, but I don’t want to be released. You are everything I want in life. Don’t you ever leave me, cause I will find you anyway. Love you, babe!


When I get texts from you I stare at the phone and smile stupidly till someone asks If I’m okay. I’m not apparently. Because love for you drives me crazy. I want you to be my love till the end of time, baby.

My dear, I want to let you know that you are so precious to me, I cannot imagine my life without you!


What is love? I realize that I know the answer when I see your face. You mean the world to me, and I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Let’s stay together forever, baby.


You have to stop being so amazing so I could stop thinking about you so much and be able to concentrate. You are the most beautiful human being in the world, darling. I could not be more blessed. Thank you for everything.


If nothing lasts forever, how can you explain my love for you? I know that my feeling is bigger than all of the oceans and stronger than the strongest steel. You make me wanna live, and love, and be happy each and every day. Love you endlessly.


Missing you is a permanent thing. I want to always have you by my side to be able to hug you at any moment because I need to feel your heart close to mine. You are the biggest miracle in my life, baby. Love you so much.

If you want to know how much I love you, look at the sky. It is endless, so is my love for you.


Whenever I get a text I hope that it’s you. My heart beats faster every time you tell me you love me, and I know you feel the same way about me. So here’s a reminder for you: I love you endlessly, babe. Don’t you forget that.


You know that I have dreams about you every night, right? You occupied my thoughts, and now I can’t live a day without you. You are my everything, baby. I love you like crazy.


No matter where I go, the best place in the world will always be in your arms. You make me feel like no one else does. You are everything that I’ve been dreaming of for all my life. I feel so blessed to have you, love.


I used to not believe in love, because I couldn’t find that special feeling inside of me. But you’ve made me feel something I can’t even explain. I want to keep this feeling forever. Love you madly, babe.

For me love has always been something so extremely hard, something that needs a lot of spare time and space. But you make it so very easy. The way I feel about you is hard to explain, but there is one thing I know for sure: I love you with all my heart. Missing you a lot.


I’m yours till the end of time, baby. I want us to grow old together and see how we change as time goes by. But you know what will never change? My love for you. It will always stay just as strong and beautiful. Love you endlessly.


In a world full pain and sadness, it is very important to have someone who can make it all go away at least for a moment. You are the kind of person who can make everything better. I love you endlessly, baby.


I’m afraid to grow old. I don’t want to see wrinkles on my face or count gray hairs on my head. But you know what? I want to grow old with you, baby. You are the love of my life.


You don’t have to flatter me with materialistic things. All I want is your beautiful endless love. This feeling is everything I need in life, and I’m extremely thankful to you for being with me. Love you like crazy.

You’re not only my lover. You’re my friend, my world, my universe. I can’t imagine my life without you, because you’re the part of me and if I lose you, it would feel like I lost a part of my soul and a part of my body. This is the way I love you.


We live in a world where women don’t need a man to survive anymore. But I need you like the air that I breathe, baby. I can’t imagine my life without you, and I don’t want to even try. You are everything to me.


You know that I’ve already planned my future with you, right? You are the only permanent thing in my life, and I will do everything to keep it like that till the end of time. I love you, baby.


For some time, I could not find the reason to live. But then you appeared. Your unique beauty filled my heart with so much love, that sometimes I feel like my chest is going to tear apart. You are my everything, baby.


I know that it’s not easy for you to understand how much you mean to me. How amazing and beautiful you really are. But you have to believe that you are the most important person in my life, and I’m head over heels in love with you.

You are the real miracle in the world where no one believes in magic anymore. And I had been one of those non-believers until I met you.


I remember the exact moment I fell in love with you. I was looking at you knowing that you are everything I want in this world. I still do, baby. Thank you for being with me through all these years.


You don’t ever have to worry about the possibility of me leaving. For me leaving you means losing myself completely. You are my other half, baby, and I won’t ever let you go.


Regardless of how tired I am, I will always find the strength to hold you and listen to what you want to say. I’m always here for you, love. You are the best man I have ever met.


Some people think that they can buy anything. But it’s not true, baby. Feelings that I have for you are priceless. Please, keep my heart safe till the end of time. I will surely keep yours. Love you as I’ve never loved before.

You know, life is funny, one day you were just a stranger to me, but now, you’re the world to me, I love you with all my heart, and I will never stop loving you, because I’m just like that, I don’t fall in love easily, but when I do, I love hard…


Millions of people spend their lives searching for true love and fail. But I am the lucky one, cause I’ve found you. You are my biggest blessing in life, and I won’t ever stop thanking Lord for sending me you, baby.


Maybe it’s too early to say “I love you”, but my heart is full of this beautiful feeling for you and I can’t remain silent. I love you, baby. I feel like you are the one for me, so don’t you even try to ever leave me.


Whenever I’m around you, my heart beats so loud I can’t even hear myself speaking. I get chills when I feel your touch, but at the same time, you keep me warm in your arms. You are the man of my life, baby. Thank you for everything.


I will always love you. Even if you don’t want me anymore for some reason, you will always be my best friend. You are the greatest human being and the most amazing lover. Let’s stay together forever, baby.

The moment I saw you I realized: you are the one. Everything about you screams “perfect”, and I know that you are the most unique and special person I have ever met. Your extraordinary personality and spectacular mind make me melt. I love you so much, can’t wait to see you.


Even if the stars start falling from the sky, I won’t ever stop loving you, baby. You are the most amazing human being I have ever met, and I can’t even think about not having you in my life. Thank you for being with me through all these months.


I want to spend my life with you by my side, feeling your heartbeat close to mine, hearing your voice whispering in the darkest night. My heart will always belong to you; promise me to be careful with it.


The best medicine for me is hugging you. I feel like I can do everything as long as you are around. Thank you for being my knight in shining armor, baby. I could not ask for more.


You know what is the definition of happiness to me? You, baby. I wasn’t complete until I met you. You have made my life a beautiful fairy tale, and I could not be more grateful. I will love you till the end of time.

I had thought that I knew everything about myself and the world I live in before I met you. You opened my eyes and made me see, how blind I was. It seems like now I’m discovering the world for the first time, like a child. And you’re my guiding star, the light of my life.


I’m not used to being vulnerable. But with you by my side, I want to be soft and weak, because I know that you will always have my back. You are my protector. My greatest man on Earth. I love you endlessly, honey.


You know when I realized I’m in love with you? When I felt that your happiness is more important for me than my own. I want you to be the happiest man on Earth, and I’ll do anything to make it happen.


It is impossible to truly love someone for his or her perfection, because there are no perfect people in this world. But you know it’s true love when you don’t know why you love. You just do. Just like I simply love you with all my heart, baby.


When I look at you I see my whole future in your beautiful eyes. I make plans always having you in mind, so get ready to be irritated by me till the end of time. I love you so much, darling.

I have never thought that I could fall in love like that. Loving you is so easy, because you are beautiful in every way. Even one day without you makes me feel like I’m missing something extremely important. I love you more than the Moon loves the Sun.


It is impossible for me to say goodbye to you. Just the thought of letting you go even for a moment drives me insane. I will never let you go, sweetheart. You are my other half, and I’ll do everything I can to keep us together.


Love for you is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. God blessed me with this beautiful feeling, and I promise you to do everything to make it last forever. You mean the world to me, baby.


There’s only one thing I need to be happy, and it’s you. Well, you are not a thing. You are a miracle, you are an amazing person, you are my life. There are no words that could describe the way I feel about you.


Sometimes I think that mankind hasn’t invented the language of real love yet. I can’t come up with the right words to tell you how much I love you. My feeling for you is so huge that I can’t put it in words. I will try my best to find a way to prove you my love for real, honey.

The most beautiful thing about love is that I don’t need any reasons to send you a nice message wishing you a good day.


I used to live on my own. I used to care only about myself and I didn’t know how amazing it feels to care about somebody else. Everything changed, when you came into my life. Now I am a new person, a better one, and I’m terribly in love with you.


When I’m with you, I feel like a careless and happy child. I feel like a bird flying freely in the sky. I feel your love, and it’s the most amazing feeling I can imagine. Thank you for showing me this.


Our love is like some kind of glasses that help me to see the world. Beautiful, exciting, magnificent world. I can’t believe that I used to concentrate on bad and negative things, but now I’m able to see the good side of the world. Thank you, darling.


We need no admit that we are the most ridiculous, awkward and clumsy people on the whole planet. But when we are together, it doesn’t matter at all, because we are a perfect couple. I love you, sweetheart.

Loving you is just like breathing to me – it’s effortless and essential for life.


Close your eyes and imagine that we have never met. It’s a total nightmare for me, it hurts even to think about it… I hope, we’ll never part, because it will be an unbearable and dreadful challenge for me.


You are the most handsome man for me, because you always give me the nicest and warmest smiles. You are the strongest man for me, because you always help me out when I need you the most. You are the gentlest man, because I melt every time you embrace me. You are the best, because I love you and you love me.


There’s nothing that can tear us apart, because our love is so strong that it can handle anything. As long as we care about each other and maintain love in our hearts, we are undefeatable.


Never let me go, please. I know that loving is hard, but it’s worth it. I will never give up on you, and you should promise me that you’ll never give up on me. This is the only way to happiness for us.

You didn’t whisper into my ear, but into my heart. You didn’t kiss my lips, but my soul. Honey, each day I love and cherish you more and more.


Everything that is happening between us is so thrilling. You bring new emotions and experience to me. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed with feelings that I can’t keep them inside. I think I’m falling in love with you, honey.


I feel like I’m a lightweight when I’m with you. You are like a good wine that goes straight to my head and gives me a pleasant dizziness. I am ready to spend the whole eternity in your gentle embrace, sweetheart.


Every time you leave, I feel like I’m losing something very important. I’m losing a part of my soul. I lose something that makes me happy. I know that you have to go, but I’ll be waiting for you to come and kiss me again.


I feel so much comfort and security, when I’m with you. You’re my guard and my protector. I really love the feeling of being fragile when you hold me in your strong arms. Please, I wish it would never stop, honey.

A day without you is such a waste of time. I cannot think of anything but you. I don’t want to eat, I can’t sleep well, I can’t work, cause all I can think of is you. You became a huge part of my life, the most important one, and being away from you makes me so unbelievably sad. Can’t wait to see you.


I know that our relationship isn’t perfect, but the only thing that really matters is that we love each other madly. I believe our deep devotion and strong attachment to each other will help us to overcome all the obstacles on our way and reach total and pure happiness together.


I have discovered recently that all I want to do in this life is to wake up and fall asleep right beside you. In between, we can love each other madly and bring happiness into each other’s hearts.


When you are touching me, it feels like you’re reaching my soul. I feel a deep connection and attachment to you, it’s stronger than anything I have ever experienced. You see me through, you’ re able to pierce my heart and leave an imprint in it. It will remain forever, I promise.


Don’t say you love me if you don’t feel this way. You’re not obliged to tell me this just because I’m telling it to you all the time. I want our relationship to be genuine and pure, because this is the only way to nurture true love in our hearts.

I‘m so blissfully happy, when you are by my side, honey. Thank you for bringing so much joy and magical moments into my life!


Please, allow me to be yours forever. This is the greatest gift of all. This is the gift for all holidays and for every day. This is the best give for me and you, because only together we can make each other happy.


What’s happening between us is pure science. Do you know what I mean? I feel something draws me to you, just like a magnet. I feel some chemistry between us, and the air is electrified when I’m with you. Pure love science.


Something in the way you look at me tells me that you feel exactly what I feel. It’s a deep sympathy. I wish one day it could develop into a beautiful and strong feeling. For now, you can continue to look at me this way, because it gives me pleasant goosebumps all over my body…


I haven’t seen anything more beautiful than your face. I haven’t heard anything more pleasant than your voice. I haven’t felt anything more enjoyable than your tight embrace. I haven’t loved so hard.

I want to let you know that I adore you and think you’re as amazing as the planets and stars. Nothing seems more precious than being with you.


I want to spend every minute I’ve got on this planet with you, although I know it will never be enough… A thousand lives with you won’t be enough. I love you sweetheart with all of my heart.


When I’m with you, I don’t want to think nor about the past, neither about the future. I just want to stop for a moment and enjoy the “here and now”. This is the moment when I get extremely happy. I love you, honey.


You are the only one in the whole wide world I want to share my deepest secrets and dreams with. What’s more, I want to share my life and my home with you. I want to give you as much love as my heart allows, and I really hope that you want just the same.


Love comes when you least expect it. My love was coming so slowly and gently that I didn’t even notice that. But now I’m fully at the mercy of love – our love. It’s so strong and deep-rooted in me, that I can’t even fight it. And I don’t really want to, because this feeling is the best I have ever experienced.

Of course, anyone can catch the eye, but it takes one special person to catch the heart. A life without love is cold and dull – just like a year without sunshine and summer. You complete my life, sweetheart!


Sometimes I feel like we are the only people left in the world. I only need to feel your touch, your soft lips on mine, and the outside world ceases to exist. It feels like we are magically teleporting to another dimension, where love and gratification reign.


Don’t ever leave me alone. You are totally irreplaceable. Losing you is tantamount to running out of the air. It’s unbearable and deadly. Darling, if you only knew how much I love you and care about you.


Sometimes I wish to turn into the moon, so I could guard your sleep at night. Sometimes I wish to turn into your favorite sweater, so I could be closer to your body. Sometimes I wish to be the love of your life, so we could be together. I love you.


It’s time to end my cowardice and hesitation. It’s time for you to know what’s on my mind and what I really feel. Every time you are around, my heart starts beating faster and breathing becomes shallow… Like I’m in love with you.

I love your heart, your soul, your eyes, your body, and just everything about you, because you are the answer to all my prayers, and even better, I love you baby.

I will love you, when you fail, when you succeed, even if everyone is against you, I will never leave your side, because you are everything to me… You are my world, I love you with all my heart, honey, never forget that!

It’s said that the person can truly fall in love only once,
But it is not true,
Cause every time I’m with you,
I fall in love with you again.

I don’t mind waking up and seeing your smile every day, to see those beautiful eyes… I love your heart and soul… I don’t know what I would do without you, and I don’t know what I will do if I lose you… I love you babe.

There are no coincidences. I believe that people meet for a reason and I’m so glad that I met you!

Bigger or smaller changes lead us in life all the time, but our love remains the same, strong and unbreakable. Love you so much, darling.

Whenever I’m going, you are always on my mind and in my heart,
Nobody in the whole world can make me feel the way that you do. I love you!

I cannot stop thinking about you, honey,
You are making my world so beautiful each and every day,
You are amazing, I love you so much.

Meeting you was the easiest part,
Being far away from you is the hardest part,
But when we are together is the best part.

Everything that you do make me feel so happy,
Every day I fall in love with you even more than yesterday.

About Web Master

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