Saturday , 26 October 2024

Online communication and digital marketing to support food delivery

The historical moment we are experiencing is certainly not simple, at any level and especially for the catering sector. The movements of people are increasingly reduced and not recommended, so the activities have been organized and are increasingly focusing on food delivery and take-away to intercept the new habits of Italians. Many restaurateurs have only one point of contact with their customers, namely the web. 

Performing strategies are needed to overcome the moment of difficulty

Whether it is the sharing of info on social networks or the management of the portal of your local business, the important thing is to never leave anything to chance in order to obtain an increase in contacts and therefore in turnover. Getting ready to do food delivery or to propose take-away is often not enough to be found by customers interested in buying.

This is why it will be important to take care of online communication and to resort to some performing digital marketing strategies. The declared objective, of course, is to be able to be intercepted and remembered, in order to carry on the work and overcome the moment of difficulty. 

Correct management of social profiles increases visibility

Some large dedicated platforms have already existed for some time – see Delivered and Just Eat – which offer to act as an intermediary between the customer and the restaurateur, but it is true that for some, dealing with them can be complex or difficult. Certain local realities, especially older ones, struggle to project themselves into this ‘other’ context. However, it is possible to focus on a tool within everyone’s reach, a real virtual showcase, in which it is easy to move freely and reach almost anyone in the world: we are talking about social networks. 

A performing strategy for managing channels relating to local activity – Facebook and Instagram in the first place – will prove essential to increase one’s visibility. Just think, for example, of the possibility offered to consumers by the Instagram platform to order directly from the ‘stories’.

Without forgetting that creating ad hoc advertising by focusing on a certain range of action – we talk about social local marketing – will help the business and will allow to increase efficiency (Facebook ads can be very useful in this context). Being able to arouse emotions and memories, sharing info and images relating to the best products, is the main goal of digital communication. 

The importance of storytelling to win people’s trust

We mentioned the importance of arousing emotions and memories in the previous paragraph. Then, it will be useful to deepen another digital technique to be exploited to support the food delivery business. We are talking about storytelling, which takes place both on social networks and directly on the portal or blog of the activity.

In the latter case, it will be necessary to keep it up to date to create a further ‘bridge’ with people. It is necessary to think of an editorial plan, full of contents and recipes to be disseminated at fixed deadlines, to always keep the level of interest and reactivity high.

Digital storytelling is by its very essence ‘visual’. In fact, in order to be effective, storytelling must also focus on the dissemination of videos relating to the preparation of dishes – highlighting compliance with safety measures.

Or, again, it will have to publish images and ‘stories’ relating to the orders in preparation and the dishes that consumers most demand and appreciate. Sharing photos and videos of one’s work represents a value: it is a tool to convey that sense of community today in ‘stand by’ which is the very essence of catering. 

Share the passion and update the company website

To make a difference you need to transmit the passion for your work. The brand reputation will benefit from this, since at the time of the restart, people will remember those who have never stopped and have challenged difficulties.

As for the site, it must be looked after from an SEO perspective and structured to facilitate user navigation. Furthermore, as regards the online shop, check that the price list is clear and updated, always integrating the offer: transparency and competence are very important.

What can we do for you?

If you want to know more or are interested in a  high quality digital marketing service  ,is the digital PR ,  Guest Posting ,  SEO  and  brand reputation  (online reputation) agency that can best support  your digital business idea  and follow you  step by step  to maximize it, increasing revenues.

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