Saturday , 26 October 2024


Valentine’s Day is approaching. Finding the right greeting words for your love can be challenging sometimes. On this page we present lots of sweet Valentine‘s Day cards for girlfriend or wife as well as romantic Valentine’s Day messages for her with images that might come in handy for making this special day even more romantic. Love words help to express your feelings and make your relationship stronger.  


I still don’t feel worthy of your love, but I’m doing everything I can to deserve it. I’m extremely grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for giving your heart to me. Happy Valentine’s Day, love. 

You make every Valentine’s Day special. All I want to do is look at your beautiful face and kiss your sweet lips. Thank you for being with me through all these years. Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. 

You’re all I need. I can’t imagine this world without you. I have never thought that I’ll find someone this special. Thank you for making me feel complete, baby. Let’s make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable. 

I remember how lost I was before I met you. You make me feel like you are my home, and this is the only thing I want in life. At this moment, I can say that I am a happy man. I love you, happy Valentine’s Day. 

We’ve been through a lot, haven’t we? Nevertheless, I’m still madly in love with you. I guess it means that you’re stuck with me, baby. Hope you don’t mind. Happy Valentine’s Day, I love you. 


This fairytale that I’m living in is created by the love that you showed me. You taught me everything, and I will be thankful for that till the day I die. Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. Cheers to many more years of happiness. 

A love like ours is hard to find. I can’t believe that I was chosen by you. I still cannot believe that. You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever met, and I promise to take care of you till the end of time. Happy Valentine’s Day, love. 

I would break my PS5 for you. I would give up junk food for you. I would do anything to make you happy. You are the reason of my happiness and stable mental health. Thank you for being with me on this Valentine’s Day. I love you. 

The day you agreed to spend your life with me was the most important day of my life. May this Valentine’s Day be a reminder of how important you are to me. I will never stop thanking you for being in my life. I love you, happy February 14th. 

The most amazing thing about our love is that no matter how hurt we are, we can heal each other. You are my own universal cure for every heartache. I love you more than you can imagine, and I’ll try to show you how extraordinary my love is on this Valentine’s Day. Buckle up, baby.


Happy Valentine’s Day to the girl who made me believe in love! I almost gave up on my dating life, but I you stepped into my life and showed me that I shouldn’t give up. I love you endlessly, baby. 

I do believe that we were made for each other. Every day you make me a better version of myself, and I’m beyond thankful for that. Your love is all that I need in this world. Happy Valentine’s Day, honey. 

Someday I will give you the whole world. You deserve it. Every part of you screams “perfect”, and I will never be able to get enough of you. May this February 14th be the beginning of our everlasting love story. 

I don’t want to scare you, but I want to be with you till the end of time. I want to wake up every morning with you by my side. I want our kids to have your eyes and your amazing smile. Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. You mean the world to me. 

It’s the ultimate date night! Valentine’s Day is crazy, everyone is freaking out trying to by a ton of flowers and book a table at the most expensive restaurant. I know we can make this day special just by being together. Let’s watch your favorite movie. What do you say? 


When I look at you, I feel like the whole universe stops to bathe in the light of your endless beauty. I have never seen a woman like you, and I don’t want to know anyone but you. Your love gives me life, baby. Happy Valentine’s day.

Spending this day with you is a dream come true. I’ve never imagined myself with someone this marvelous as you are, but you make me feel like I’m enough. It means so much to me, darling. You are my soulmate. Happy Valentine’s day.

Soulmates never die, right? I’m sure we know each other from other lives. I will find you in every life, and my love for you will grow with our every eternity. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy Valentine’s day, love. 

Being your man is such a huge responsibility. You are a prize everyone wants to have, and I was chosen to protect you. I know I’m capable of it. I was made for loving you, baby, and you were made for loving me. Let’s rock and roll on this Valentine’s day!

My heart skips a beat when I look at you. I want to keep this crazy feeling forever. I know that everything changes, but I will love you the same when we are old and wrinkly. I want to grow old with you, honey. Let’s spend every Valentine’s day together.  


I feel like I’m the king of the world when I’m with you. You are the most beautiful, smart, kind and funny person I know, and I want to celebrate you each and every day. But today especially. Happy Valentine’s day to the most amazing girl in the world.

You have the sweetest kisses, my love. Can’t wait to drown in your enigmatic eyes and feel your tender lips on mine. You are a dream come true. I know that all of our Valentine’s days will be special because we will spend them together. Love you like crazy.

I simply can’t take my eyes off of you. You are such a blessing, the most precious thing in my life. I want to spend my whole life with you. Let’s make this Valentine’s day as special as it possibly can be. Love you so very much, baby.

The world is so much better with you in it. You make everything so special and beautiful, it’s almost like you are the Sun that enlightens everything. So glad to be your valentine today. I’m head over heels about you, baby.

Get ready to spend the most amazing Valentine’s day with the most amazing valentine ever! Everything I want to do is make you happy. And I will do my best to make it happen. Love you more with each and every day, baby. Happy Valentine’s day!


Today is a special day for all people who are in love. But every day of my life is special because of you. Every day of my life is full of love and happiness. Thank you for it. Happy Valentine’s day, sweetheart!


The world is spinning so fast and time flies so quickly that sometimes I want to stop it for a while and enjoy these beautiful moments that we share. I can’t stop the world, but I can make our love everlasting. Happy Valentine’s day!


Honey, I’m tired of lies, that’s why I want our love to be honest and genuine. Only then it will be true. Happy Valentine’s day!


My darling! Today I want to wish you much health, well-being, luck and good mood. I won’t wish you love, care and tenderness because you have it all. And I promise you’ll never lose them as long as you stay with me.


Honey, I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday of love and tenderness! May Saint Valentine bring much happiness and understanding into our house!


The greatest achievement in my life is stealing your heart, darling!

I feel like all my love for you is too big to fit in the words “I love you”. There’s no such words that could express the way I feel. There’s no even such language that could explain how strong and devoted my love is. Happy Valentine’s day, baby.

I don’t need any special occasion to say how much I love you. I say it to you every single day. I don’t need any reason to give you presents, because actually you deserve to get them every day. You’re the best, sweetheart.

Valentine’s day is the day for those who are in love. And today is my day, because I’m in love. Are you in love, darling? I really wish you were, because this flame in my heart starts burning only brighter every time I see you. Happy Valentine’s day!

I want to dedicate the words of love to the most beautiful and mysterious, the most desired woman I’ve ever met. You’re my dream, my ideal and I love you endlessly. Happy Valentine’s day!

Honey, I’m so happy that I met you! Our hearts beat as one, our wishes are aligned, our eyes burn with desire. We were made for each other and I believe we would have a long and happy life together. I love you!

There’s no such ocean on Earth that is deeper than my feelings for you. There’s no such number in mathematics that is bigger than my love for you. It’s impossible to measure our love because it’s infinite. I love you, honey!

Life gives me a lot of reasons to start hating it. But every time something bad happens, I think about you: about your angel face and sweet voice, about your kind heart and sonorous laugh… It all reminds me that life is glorious no matter what. Happy Valentine’s day, my love!

The sweet brightness of love surrounds us like light. We are both warmed by the charm of our devotion. Here is a wish for a happy Valentine’s Day, my dearest. I can’t wait to see you tonight.


I used to be selfish and cold. But the day you came into my life everything changed. You’ve melted my heart, darling, and filled it with love and warmth. I wish I will never lose this feeling. Happy Valentine’s day!

I know every single feature of your divine face. I know every single note in your voice. I know what makes you sad or happy. I know that three sacred words “I love you” will bring you real pleasure. And I really love you, honey.

I am so happy, because I am dating the most amazing, smart and fun girl that I have ever met!

Being with such a romantic and adorable person like you makes this day much more special for me!

You fill my world with feelings of true joy and bliss, you are the centre of my universe and the most precious person in my life!

On this special occasion I‘d like to tell you are the person that I admire. I truly appreciate all the things that you do for me.

May this love be tender and pure, honest and true! May it bring many wonderful moments to our life and paint it with bright colors! And what’s the most important – may this love be mutual!

Owing to you my life is so wonderful and meaningful now! Happy Valentine‘s day to my love!

I am grateful to the destiny, because it let us meet each other, and I know that I will love you forever!


I feel the luckiest man in the world to have such an amazing, fun and loving girlfriend like you!

Every time when you are next to me, I feel the heat from the flame burning in my heart!

Before I met you, I was broken. You’ve managed to heal all my wounds. You saved me again and again even when there was no hope for me. You’ve shown me the power of love and I will always be grateful to you. I love you, darling.

I feel so happy when I see your smile. I love you, beautiful, Happy Valentine‘s day!

The day spent without you is like the day without sun. But the life, spent without you, is the life without happiness!

The best gift on this special day for me would be you, wrapped up in a beautiful red bow.

I feel happy every time, when I think about you. I love you, my sweetheart! Happy Valentine’s day!

You’re my biggest inspiration. You give me wings to fly. And I can fly so high that I can touch the sky and bring you a star from it. But there’s no such star that would outshine your beauty. Happy Valentine’s day, my little shiny star!


I miss your eyes, hot lips, soft hands.
I want to see you every day, to feel you near me.
I wish to be with you forever, my heart is restless without you.
You are the only one for me, my darling, I love you.


I am jealous to the wind, it touches you,
I am jealous to the rain, it kisses you,
I am jealous to the sun, it keeps you warm,
I am jealous to the moon, it puts you to sleep,
I am jealous to everything, because I love you!


I wanna fly high in the sky,
I wish to hug you and never let you go,
I wish to drown, not in the sea, but in your embrace,
I wish that you look into my eyes and say “I love you”.


I am here, very close to you, silently floating around you.
Catch me.. When you will hug me, I’ll be yours forever.
If I get lost, I will know where to go, your shining eyes will show me.
I wish to hear your heartbeat, and let all the fears go away.
I love you, happy Valentine’s day, dear.

I’ll never break your heart, because it holds love for me within it. Breaking your heart would mean losing your precious love. I’ll never let it happen, because your love is the only thing that matters in this mad world.


Your eyes are the most beautiful in the world,
Your face is a shining sun,
When I see you I feel dizzy,
Because you are the most amazing girl in the world!
Happy Valentine’s Day, sweety!

I want to say “I love you” today. I say it every day, but this day is special, because billions of loving hearts all over the world say it to each other and it fills the air with love and tenderness. Love is all around us – I can feel it when I look into your eyes. Happy Valentine’s day, sweetie!

Recently you’ve been wondering why I say “I love you” so rarely. Honey, it’ s because my passionate love for you is obvious and doesn’t need any words to prove it. Actions speak louder than words and I did, do and will always do anything you ask me. Happy Valentine’s day!

It seems to me that all Cupid’s arrows hit me, because my heart aches when I don’t see you for a long time and my soul suffers when you’re not here with me. I love you, darling. Can’t wait for you to come and heal all my wounds!

I am so grateful that every single day you show me what the true love is all about. Love you, darling.

You trusted me your secrets. You gave me the key from your heart. I promise to keep it for the rest of my life. I’ll never betray you, darling. Happy Valentine’s day!

We never know where and when we will find our love. But you were the most valuable discovery in my life. You were the person I needed the most. Be sure that I will always protect you, honey.

I guess you’re the richest and the most powerful woman on Earth, because you gave me the most expensive gift ever – your precious love. Nor power, neither money can buy it. I love you, darling.

I thought I had a great imagination, but no matter how hard I try I can’t imagine my life without you. It’s just pointless, because the only thing that gives my life meaning is your love.

Love is a real wonder. It encourages us to do the craziest things, it inspires us and gives life a meaning. You’re my life, my love, my everything and I will never stop repeating it to you, my darling. Happy Valentine’s day!

You know, winter is the season when it’s easy to get sick. I think I’ve caught a bug or something… I have a fever, can’t eat, can’t sleep and all I can think about is you. It’s a love virus, baby, and you’re the only one who can heal me.

Candies are sweet, but you are sweeter. Flowers are beautiful, but you are much more beautiful than any flower. I am so happy, when I see you smiling!

I’m thinking about you constantly. I’m dreaming about you every night. It’s unbearable… And I’m waiting for you right now. Only you right by side are able to put these obsessive thoughts from me and make me happy in reality. I love you, sweetheart.

Honey, the scent of your hair can’t compare to the smell of any flower on Earth. The curves of your perfect body are so beautiful that all craftsmen in the world desire to create a divine sculpture in your honour. You’re my ideal woman and I love you more than anything.

I’m so proud to be your man and call you my girl. You’re the gentlest, kindest and the most beautiful creature on the planet. You’re an angel sent from heaven to make me happy and take all my sorrow away. I love you so much.

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