Saturday , 26 October 2024
email marketing

Ways to Use Your Email to Boost Your ROI

Email campaigns are reportedly capable of boosting a business’ ROI by stunning 4400%, if done the right way. If we add to that the fact that they are the cheapest form of advertising, by far, you’ll easily understand why they are all the rage these days. 

Stats continuously show the benefits of email marketing campaigns. Here’s an outline, to help you get the idea:

·        Targeted email campaigns generate more than 75% of the total email revenue

·        Transactional emails generate 6 times more revenue than other message types

·        Transactional emails get 8 times more clicks than other email types

·        Automated email campaigns have 50% conversion rates

·        77% of marketers use email to send personalized content to subscribers

·        67% of marketers use big data to personalize email campaigns

·        66% of marketers personalize email campaigns

·        64% of marketers use mobile-optimized designs for email campaigns

·        Email campaigns are 40x more efficient at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter ads combined

The reason why email campaigns are so popular lies in simple statistics. Namely, a large percentage of adults use email on a daily basis.

What is important, though, is that this doesn’t mean that everyone will be interested in your offer. Success of email marketing lies in knowing who to send the messages to and when to send them. It goes without saying that you’ll only be wasting your time if you send emails at random. It is crucial that you define your audience.

Defining Email Campaign Strategies

To be able to maximize your email campaign profits, you need to:

1.      Know your target audience

2.      Listen to customer feedback

Defining an audience (or more than one) is the first step. In fact, defining an email strategy comes afterwards.

For one thing, different audiences look for different messages and for another – the voice of your campaigns should suit the target group. For example, if your customers comprise executives, the voice should be formal. If your audience comprises teenagers, the voice should be informal.

These are, of course, broad generalizations just to give you an idea on the importance of knowing your audience.

The next step would be to listen to customers’ feedback. This has never been easier, what with social media serving as unique communication channels (and, in most cases, instant ones).

Asking for customer feedback directly is also encouraged. Not only does the practice show that you care, but it also deepens the bond between a business and its customers.

You may also offer giveaways in return for additional information, such as free e-books and special discounts for the next purchase.

Finally, cross-promotions give best results. It is a well-known fact that people don’t shy away from asking questions via brands’ social media pages. This is one of the most efficient ways to keep in touch with your audience in the long run.

To that end, make sure to share your offer on your social media profiles as well as via email. In this way, more people will get to see it (and share it).

Optimizing Email Campaigns

It’s a fact that 53% of emails are being accessed on mobile devices, which doesn’t only mean that your messages must be email-friendly, but also that your website should be responsive.

Keeping in mind that the number of new mobile device users rises at 20% annual rate, this practice should become a norm.

On top of that, emails accessed on mobile devices often fare better than those accessed on computers. Here’s what stats teach us:

·        23% of people accessing emails on mobile devices read them at least one more time

·        70% of emails accessed on mobile devices are re-read

·        65% of the re-read messages result in a click

·        One third of all clicks are performed on mobile devices

·        Most subscriptions happen on mobile devices

Basically, optimizing email campaigns for mobile devices boils down to the following:

·        Writing clear and concise subject lines and body text

·        Writing subject lines no longer than 30 characters

·        Keeping in mind that preheader text should not exceed 50 characters

All emails should feature contact information, a large and easily distinguishable call to action button and an unsubscribe button. The latter is not to be overlooked. If no longer interested in your offer, people should be reminded that they can easily unsubscribe, rather than having to mark your emails as spam.

Finishing Touches

Mind the timing of your messages. If you are operating internationally, keep time zones in mind. Stats show that the majority of emails are read within an hour upon arrival, so have a care. Waking up to a full inbox is everyone’s worst nightmare. You’ll want your message to be on top. If you target 9-to-5 workers, best send emails around 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Next, you shouldn’t send emails too frequently. Albeit there is no general consensus, successful brands opt to send newsletters either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

Finally, some messages are more welcome than others. Welcome messages, shopping cart reminders, order tracking and sales announcements are generally welcome.

Order tracking and purchase/shipping information are an absolute must.

All in all, it’s safe to conclude that using common sense, minding the timing and frequency of your campaigns and keeping in touch with the customers is the key to successful email marketing. Remember to re-adjust the offer to remain evergreen and competitive, and you’re good to go.

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