Saturday , 26 October 2024


Breaking up is not easy for anyone. Sometimes the right encouraging words might help to go through this difficult period of life. On this page we present you a large collection of encouraging break up messages for friends. We hope that those words will help overcome loneliness, feel better and leave the past behind.


I know you’ve probably heard it a million times, but time is wise and it heals all wounds. You are the strongest person I know, and I have no doubt that you will get through anything. I love you!


Some people enter your life just to teach you something very important. I know you’re so much wiser now, and you will never make the same mistakes again. It’s never because of you. 


I wish I could hug you right now. I feel your pain in my chest, and it’s almost unbearable. I promise you that we will get through this together, and I will be with every single day. I love you. Keep holding on.


He’s just lost the best thing that has ever happened to him. You are the most beautiful, intelligent and gorgeous human being on this planet, and we can’t waste your time on tears. Let’s get the party started!


I can’t believe someone could actually hurt you like that. I will fight this son of a gun, I promise. You don’t have to worry about anything, love. I have your back. 


He doesn’t deserve you, baby! You are the most beautiful, smart and funny woman I know, and you deserve a man who will appreciate all of that. Stiffen up that upper lip and let’s show him that you regret nothing! 


I know you’re not feeling good right now, but pain is a part of love. There is no true love without hurt. You are the strongest person I know, and we will get through this breakup together. 


I’ll do anything to see you smile again. No man can hurt you like that, I won’t let it happen. Put your best outfit on and meet me outside your house, I’m going to remind you what a definition of fun looks like.


It’s okay, you can cry if you want to. Let it out. I will always be there for you to dry your eyes and give you your favourite snacks when you need it the most. Breakups are hard, but you are stronger than anything. Everything will be alright. 


My heart’s breaking when I look at you. You seem so miserable. It’s okay, baby. Love hurts, but you’ve got to move on to meet your bright future. You are a very special human being who deserves a lot better than this. 


Dry your eyes baby girl. He doesn’t deserve your tears. Get dressed, because I will show you that the world still exists even without him in it. If the world is blossoming without his presence in it, you can blossom as well. I believe in you with every part of me.


Do you know what’s the best revenge? Success, honey. You don’t have to do anything to show him that you’re moving on. You’re already smart, beautiful, successful, full of new ideas and potential. You will be fine, I promise. 


Crying doesn’t make you weak, it makes you a human. Don’t be afraid to show your weakness, because it will only make you stronger. You will cope with these emotions and become a better version of yourself. The show must go on, baby. 


Life doesn’t end here. You are young, beautiful and free, and you have everything you need to change your reality and build the best future. I will always be by your side to help you and support you. Always. 


Love is complicated. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, and you cannot predict what the future holds. All I know is that you are amazing, and no man can stop you from living your best life. Do you want to grab a drink and talk about everything? 


Honestly, I’m so happy you are not together. You deserve so much more than this. There are millions of people who will love to take care of someone as amazing as you are. Stop being sad and believe me! 


I love you, but we both know it had to stop. You are so much more than that. No one deserves these tears. Let’s go out, and you will see that anyone would be happy to be with you. You deserve to be loved.


I don’t think that this was your person. I just didn’t see this special light in your eyes. If you’re waiting for something, wait a little bit longer. It will come to you eventually. God sees everything. Love you, baby. 


Finally, you will have some time to be yourself. I feel like you’ve lost so much in these relationships. Pull yourself together and start working on that harmony you’ve always had within. 


Don’t be sad, baby! We will get through this together. Time heals everything, and you will not be even thinking about it in a year. There’s more to you than loving somebody who doesn’t even deserve it. 


Baby, stop crying, he’s not worth it! You are strong, young and beautiful, and every human being on this planet would be happy to have you! I’m sure you will find someone who really deserves you. 


Now dry your eyes and show this fool what he lost! You are the most amazing woman in the world, and he is the one who should cry for you. I’m sure he does. Life is not ending with relationships. The show must go on!


There is a whole world waiting outside, and you’re sitting here crying for someone who doesn’t deserve your single tear. Dry your eyes and go show everyone that you are better than that. 


Being alone doesn’t mean being miserable. It means being independent and whole enough to cope with every problem by yourself. You’re gonna find someone better when you need to. Now, enjoy your single life, for it is truly enjoyable! 


So happy you dumped this fool, girl! Gonna celebrate this day like my second birthday. Now you can finally enjoy your freedom and find time to understand yourself better. We’re gonna have so much fun!


Did you notice that what appears to be the end, in fact might be a new beginning?


I miss those days when your face was always smiling and you laughed really a lot. I miss those days when you were happy. I know that many things have changed, but you should know that whatever happens in your life, the source of happiness is inside you. You just have to find it.


Oh, what a waterfall of tears! You should have a good cry, my darling, because your pain will go away with your tears. And very soon you will feel happy and free, I’m pretty sure of it.


Breaking up doesn’t mean losing your way. It just means that it’s time to take a different road. The road that will lead you to your true love. So you’re not lost – you’re re-found. Be optimistic and keep going!


When your heart still can’t let it go, but your mind says that you should do it for the sake of yourself. The eternal struggle. And I believe that your mind will win this battle so that your heart could get free and have more space for new beautiful love.


Every relationship is a wise teacher. And it’s even a better teacher when it makes you go through breakup and tears. Don’t regret the wasted time – it was a good investment in your future relationships!


We all know that pain is inevitable in life. But suffering is optional.


Moving on and rising over difficulties is the best revenge,
Never give somebody the pleasure to watch you suffering.


It is hard to say „I am sorry“,
But it is even harder to forgive the person that hurt you.


There is no person in the world who would have a crystal clear heart.
Because everybody has some scratches leaved by their dear ones.

Sometimes we would like to change our past,
But we need to realize, that the past has already changed us.


Breakup is like a little death. I know that feeling, I know that it’s so hard to get over it and look to the future with optimism. It seems that everything is falling apart and your life is over. But the key word here is “seems”. Time heals and you’ll be better very soon.


Some people spend years and even the whole lifetime together without loving each other and treating each other very poorly. And I’m happy that you have had the guts to break this painful relationship right now. The more you wait for something to change, the more it will never change. Now you need to move on without looking back.


People have a reason to meet and be together as well as they have a reason to break up. It happens every day to many people, though it still hurts to know that you’re one of these sad men. I’m really sorry that you broke up. If I can do something for you, just let me know.

It is amazing, how the same person can bring you so much pain and happiness at the same time.
Maybe it is a true love when someone can make you happy and you forget all the pains,
But when he breaks your heart, try not to forget those happy moments.


When time has home, it’s better to leave. Pack up and go. And never look back. Being single and being free is better than having relationship that brings you only pain. You should understand it, take a deep breath and make the right decision.


In some way tears are more special than a smile,
Because the smile can be given to anyone,
But the tears are shred only for those who we truly love.


Letting go doesn’t mean to become indifferent towards somebody, it means that you start to realize that there is the only one person that you really have control over – it’s you.

It is hard, when somebody you love breaks up with you. Cry a river first, but then be strong, build a bridge and get over it.


Remember that when one door closes for you, another one opens…
But if you will look regretfully at the first door for too long, you will not even notice the other door, which is open to you.


It is dangerous to bring people too close to your heart,
Because the close people know exactly where to hit…


Learn your lessons of the Past,
And most importantly – apply those lessons in the Future.

It’s better to cry rather than to be angry,
Because anger hurts both you and other people,
While tears flow quietly, purifying your soul.


To be honest, living alone is far much better then living with fake person.


When you consider how difficult it is to change yourself,
You start to realise what tiny change we have of changing other people.


I am sure that you are strong enough to get through this by yourself,
But I just want to let you know that I am here for you whenever you need me.

The relationship is like glass. When it is broken, it’s better to leave it rather than hurt yourself while trying to put it back together.


It happens that some people step into our life as blessings,
But there are also people who step into our life as lessons we need to learn.


Never give up, even though it seems impossible,
Life will always help you to pull through.
When you lose hope, the most difficult times become even worse,
So never give up, never lose your hope.


In fact, it’s much better to be alone,
Than be with the person who makes you feel lonely.

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