Saturday, July 27, 2024

    How to Find the Water Source of Your Wet Basement?

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    If your basement gets wet frequently, you need to identify the water source before getting help from a structural wall repair company. Water in the basement leads to wall cracks, gaps, and eventually breakdown. Many professionals offer free inspection services. If that offer isn’t available in your locality, you should try to find the problem on your own. Generally, there are four different sources of a wet basement. Let’s find out more about them.

    Surface water

    When water enters your basement from one point and the exterior foundation wall, the surface water is certainly the primary source. During heavy rain periods, gutters overflow and cause water to move inside the basement. Another reason for this water is insufficient downspouts in your home. You should install some new ones to deal with the problem. 

    Maybe the paved area around your home slope water toward the foundation and basement instead of discharging it away. If that’s the problem, you can fix it by getting a pavement repair service. Also, check your lawn irrigation system. It might be adding too much water to the lawn that ends up in your basement eventually.

    Subsurface Groundwater

    If surface water isn’t finding the way into the basement, another source is subsurface groundwater. The sign that tells you the water source is subsurface is when water comes in from cracks or multiple locations.

     A person living in an old house whose basement is below street level often experiences this issue. It’s because your perimeter drainage system connects with the city storm sewer system. In case of a high water table during a storm or rain, hydro static pressure causes a leak in your basement. You may get confused and find it hard to identify subsurface water sources. 

    Thereby, you need to find an Indianapolis foundation repair company. Experts will look into water sources and provide solutions such as sump pump installation or proper drainage systems.

    Municipal Sewer System

    In case the water comes up from your sink drain or floor, then it’s a sign of some issue with your municipal sewer system. In old homes, sewer and sanitary systems are combined. During heavy rain, water overflow in this system is the main reason behind a wet basement. As water flows backward from the sanitary system toward your home, it’s an alarming situation. You can take care of this issue by setting a system of interior drainage and a sump pump.

    Storm water sewer System

    In old homes, the perimeter foundation drain is connected to the city storm water sewer system. Heavy rain overflows the sewer system, and hydro static pressure moves water toward the home. Experts of foundation repair company Indianapolis recommend homeowners cut the connection of perimeter drainage from the city system. The solution is to connect interior drainage with a sump pump, and it’s how you won’t experience a wet basement anymore. This system will collect water from the interior side and discharge it outside. Thereby, it won’t cause any storm water backup situation at all.

    A wet basement is a significant issue if you experience it again and again. Please try seeking expert help. Make a call for a free inspection and find Indianapolis’ best foundation repair company.

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